bikes for chilren 12+

kieranb Posts: 1,674
edited August 2010 in Family & kids cycling forum
Hi, does any one know when children can start using smaller sizes of adult bikes rather than going for a child specific one? MY son is 12 and is just over 5 foot now, should I be considering adult bike ranges in the small frame size?


  • andrewc3142
    andrewc3142 Posts: 906
    Luath 700. One of them should fit, depending on stand-over height.

    Better quality and more kid-orientated than you'd get for that price in an adult bike.
  • zebra67
    zebra67 Posts: 113
    Dawes Espoir 26", too, is a very nice bike, lighter than the Luath, and what I would buy today instead in preference to the Luath (Luath is better for doing some off-road, admittedly).

    The Isla Bike Beinn 26" is also very good, methinks, if you want a more general all-purpose steed.