I hope he's okay

dan shard
dan shard Posts: 722
edited July 2010 in MTB general
Driving to work this morning along a road I normal commute along on the mountain bike. Got to a mini roundabout and saw a guy with a blood soaked blanket over his whole body, a smashed up car next to him and then a horribly twisted aluminium frame which after a few seconds I worked out to be the remains of a mountain bike.

Poor guy, really hoping hes ok, I think it had only just happened as there were no emergency services there but a few people stood around crying etc.

I really get annoyed at this roundabout, the speed some people go through it scares me, its a 30mph road, but the roundabout is offset so from a certain angle you can just drive straight through without having to slow down. I often see people going through at upwards of 60


  • BigShot
    BigShot Posts: 151
    Where was that?
    I'll have a scan of the news sites and see if there's any mention.
  • dan shard
    dan shard Posts: 722
    Just outside warrington in Gorse Covert
  • BigShot
    BigShot Posts: 151
    Not found anything on the local news websites.
    He wasn't using of the famous "crap cycle facilities" at the time was he?
  • dan shard
    dan shard Posts: 722
    No its a fairly rural area near where I live. Its not a busy area but we got a lot of idiots going too fast.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Lets not forget there are plenty of idiots on bikes too, especially on the roads. Not that I'm saying this guy was, but without knowing the facts I wouldn't be too quick to blame the driver.

    I am reminded of the roadie I saw the other day just shooting through the red light whilst traffic was coming (I was on my bike and stopped dutifully at the lights), and didn't care the slightest. Likewise the group of roadies who did that to me when I was in my car at a junction, and the lights went green for me to turn into the road and they just charged through with me having to brake hard. Again they didn't seem to care that I nearly killed them. I would be the one probably ending up in jail if I had though for not being clairvoyant enough to know cyclists are about to jump the lights.