stacked it.

Mccraque Posts: 819
edited July 2010 in MTB general
So - heading down Telegraph Road on Holmbusy Hill on Sat....carrying some pace....then...THWACK! Front wheel wash out in the sandy soil. Couldn't react quick enough to jump clear so skidded into a thorn bush. Grazed but no real damage to me or bike thankfully.

However....second time this has happened to me. running a tubeless MK up top, conscious to weight the front wheel through a corner....where am I going wrong?


  • thel33ter
    thel33ter Posts: 2,684
    Went down there on Saturday too, it was a bit sandy in places but I didn't think it was that bad, try running slightly lower pressure in the front tyre and try to stick to the outside of the corner.

    Or just slow down a bit more :wink:
    And now you know, and knowing is half the battle
    05 Spesh Enduro Expert
    05 Trek 1000 Custom build
    Speedily Singular Thingy
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    IIRC the tubeless Mountain King isn't black chili, which probably means it's totally mince. Never ridden one myself to be fair but from riding other Contis, they need the black chili compound in order to perform as well as everyone else's standard compounds. So, not to encourage you to blame your tyres but it could be that.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Pretty loose up there to be fair, there's a few bits it's got a bit sketchy! The sandy right hander at the bottom of the little drop nearly caught me out a couple of weeks ago.
  • Mccraque
    Mccraque Posts: 819
    could be a combo of all those things I guess.....I had a little slide earlier in the day but didnt adjust anything. Dry conditions inspire speed....but sand on the corners is not helping things with my limited ability.

    My mate also stacked it on yoghurt pots. Had to pull him out of a bush. was covered in at least I wasn't alone.

    Other than that.....was a great ride!
  • BigShot
    BigShot Posts: 151
    Well I'm not surprised he crashed into a bush if he was quaffing red wine on the way down. I mean really... what did he expect?
  • Mccraque
    Mccraque Posts: 819
    Hay....if Cantador can cycle the streets of France quaffing champagne...then some of Tesco's finest is ok on the ND's.... :D
  • BigShot
    BigShot Posts: 151
    Ah, but of course, he was cycling on the roads, that's an entirely different thing.

    I, for one, have been known to ride along supping a beer (no, seriously, I'd just opened a really good bottle of real ale after a ride when I got the call to go and meet the missus at a restaurant. There was no way I was binning it, I was too hungry to wait (nor did I fancy the dog house for leaving her waiting) so finished up on the way.

    Chugging claret off-road though... asking for trouble! :P