Lower back...

thesim1990 Posts: 95
edited July 2010 in MTB general
Evening all,

Treated myself to a 2010 Rockhopper Pro yesterday and I took it out for a test/setup ride. It is a 19" and I'm 6ft 1.

When I'm in the attack position I start to get some pain in my lower back (while trying to absorb the hard impacts with my legs), and was just wondering what could be causing this??

My backpack is a hefty 7kgs, which leads me to believe that all that weight is putting pressure on my back.


  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    i use to have same problem with back and neck pain while out riding,i have moved my seat and now found a position where i no longer have the pain,might be worth trying out moving youre seat.
  • thesim1990
    thesim1990 Posts: 95
    I only get it when I'm stood up in the attack position, not when on the saddle. (perhaps I should've mentioned that first) :shock: 8)
  • altern_8
    altern_8 Posts: 1,562
    not to sure what might cause the pain if youre stood up in attack position,all i can think of is try googling it :oops:
  • Tolk
    Tolk Posts: 775
    Stem too long maybe? Might be putting pressure on your lower back, as you're leaning forward a bit too much? It could be one of a load of reasons really!
  • ade73
    ade73 Posts: 70
    funny you saying that when i,m riding mine sitting down i get lower back pains and even when i stand up for a long time i moved my seat forward a bit so i,m not leaning over to much its done the job

    but as for standing up i,m not sure cos my gt aggressor hase,nt got a big stem
  • thesim1990
    thesim1990 Posts: 95
    I will remove some of the boompf from my backpack and see if that makes a difference first.