Doping-est race?

Gingerflash Posts: 239
edited July 2010 in Pro race
I noticed a while back that of the last 11 winners of Liege Bastogne Liege, 9 have been done for doping at some point in their career - Valverde x 2, Vino x 2, Di Luca, Rebellin, Hamilton, Camenzind and Vandenbroucke.

Does any other major race have such a bad record?


  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Tour de France, Giro and Vuelta spring to mind :wink:
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Does any other major race have such a bad record?

    Erm.... Tour de France?
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Your average Flemish crit?
  • Gingerflash
    Gingerflash Posts: 239
    well I suppose if you believe 7 of the recent wins were tainted, then yes, the Tour looks pretty bad, but of those actually caught and punished there's only one doping "winner" in recent years.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Amstel Gold isn't much better.
  • Gingerflash
    Gingerflash Posts: 239
    "Your average Flemish crit?"

    major race.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Giro KOM?
  • Gingerflash
    Gingerflash Posts: 239
    Giro KOM - Lloyd, Garzelli, Garate, Rujano, Wegman....

    They're all OK aren't they? Not been actually caught for anytyhing as far as I know.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Giro KOM - Lloyd, Garzelli, Garate, Rujano, Wegman....

    They're all OK aren't they? Not been actually caught for anytyhing as far as I know.

    *shrugs* I just remember seeing that guy who won all those mountain stages last year getting done, then Piepoli, then Ricco, then Simoni, etc.