Saddle wont stay in one place

jpstar Posts: 561
edited July 2010 in MTB workshop & tech
Basically the problem is, as tight as I do the bolt on the seatpost to hold the saddle in, the saddle still moves. It's driving me mad, because it moves forwards, backwards hell it even wobbles sideways and vertically! The bolt cannot be done up any more than it is now either which is confusing me. Its moveable if you give it a sharp whack with your hand, there does seem to be a point where it doesn't wobble though (about in the middle of the rails) otherwise, its wobbly. It moves while riding, I'm thinking the trail vibrations cause it to move, but I just don't understand, it shouldn't be moving in the first place! It's recent as well, past few months... Didn't do it before hand.

Any help is really appreciated, this is just annoying now... :evil:

