Does paypal make you more use an online retailer?

cee Posts: 4,553
edited July 2010 in MTB general

Does the ability to pay by paypal on a site make you more likely to buy from that site, instead of a different retailer without?
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  • alexj2233
    alexj2233 Posts: 381
    Well yes and no really. If the site looks a bit dodgy then yes but for the most part no.
  • Yes, because I only need to remember my password and not have to go and get my wallet out of wherever I left it last :shock:
  • Yes, because I only need to remember my password and not have to go and get my wallet out of wherever I left it last :shock:

    This... paypal makes it faaaaarrrrr too easy!
  • thel33ter
    thel33ter Posts: 2,684
    Yes, cause I always have more in my Paypal then my bank account.
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  • gazeddy
    gazeddy Posts: 305
    dont trust paypal since they screwed me over
    I rode what you dug last summer
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Yes, because I only need to remember my password and not have to go and get my wallet out of wherever I left it last :shock:

    this is how i make most of my impulse purchases, i wish the whole interwebz worked with paypal.
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    Yes, because I only need to remember my password and not have to go and get my wallet out of wherever I left it last :shock:

    ^^ Same, its just so much easier, i use it for anything i can
  • tri-sexual
    tri-sexual Posts: 672
    generaly prefer paypal over using credit card, make alot of impulse purchases that way.
    use amazon alot, they have the buy with " 1 click"
    far too easy, no passwords etc. probably too easy
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I can't stand paypal. If a site (apart from ebay, where it's all too common) only accepts paypal, I go and find somewhere else.
  • Dick Scruttock
    Dick Scruttock Posts: 2,533
    Nope not in the slightest. I would rather use anything to pay than paypal.
  • *AL*
    *AL* Posts: 1,185
    I can't stand paypal. If a site (apart from ebay, where it's all too common) only accepts paypal, I go and find somewhere else.


    Am really annoyed with PP atm.
    Every time I sell something on ebay I have to jump through hoops answering questions and providing information because apparently so much money has passed through my account in the last 12 months, PP assumes I'm laundering money :roll:
  • RedJohn
    RedJohn Posts: 272
    Neither one nor the other. It's handy not to have to keep getting my wallet all the time (as above).

    Although, from the above, I'd better get on with arranging an alternative as well for my own site!
  • underdog
    underdog Posts: 292
    Yes for small purchases (£100 or less) I often have enough in my paypal but not in my bank, so usually pay a little more to a site that takes paypal so I can buy it NOW :lol:
  • hoochylala
    hoochylala Posts: 987
    Yeah PP makes it soooooo much easier - generally my 'disposable' income if you like, that comes from selling bits and bobs is in PP and means money is easily available as and when I want it :)
  • NormalD
    NormalD Posts: 145
    No, PP claim I have an account (I don't and never have) but as I don't know my password it won't let me in. If I click forgotten password nothing happens because they don't have my email as I don't have an account.
    For some reason entrusting them with my financial details doesn't appeal.
    Normal Disk 2009

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  • kevcampbell
    kevcampbell Posts: 125
    sometimes it does because sometimes i may have money in paypal but not in my bank

    or i may have no money in the bank but i can still use paypal, just as long as i go and put money in the bank the same day or the next day i guess as it takes about 3 or 4 days for paypal to take the money out of an account

    so a shop does not need it, but it would help the shop get more customers i think
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  • P-Jay
    P-Jay Posts: 1,478
    I'd rather pay in lumps of flesh than use Paypal..

    So no, if I don't like the look of a site I wont buy from them regardless of Paypal or not.

    TBH CRC, Wiggle, Howies and I think Merlin all keep your card details on your account anyway.
  • mrfmilo
    mrfmilo Posts: 2,250
    NormalD wrote:
    No, PP claim I have an account (I don't and never have) but as I don't know my password it won't let me in. If I click forgotten password nothing happens because they don't have my email as I don't have an account.
    For some reason entrusting them with my financial details doesn't appeal.

    Are you sure it's actually Paypal emailing you?
  • Buckled_Rims
    Buckled_Rims Posts: 1,648
    Paypal froze my account for "security" reasons a few years ago. No explanation. My passwords are complex so I doubt my account was hacked. I suspect it was an Ebay problem. I had 6 weeks of hell as I had over £400 in there. It was finally resolved, but a bitter feeling exists.

    A word of warning, google Paypalsucks and read the horror stories.

    Kona Jake the Snake
    Merlin Malt 4
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I just don't see a need for paypal, when we already have suitable alternatives, that don't take a cut.
  • griffsters
    griffsters Posts: 490
    Sometimes it is convenient but it doesnt mean i'd prefer one retailer over another. Price and service is king in that regard for me.

    Plus, anyone who has been tag - teamed by Ebay / Paypal will have a bad taste in their mouth for a while!
  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 4,069
    Really don't like paypal, probably from not having particularly good experiences as a seller on Ebay. Much prefer to use a credit card. I always makesure Paypal goes straight through to my credit card anyway. I don't want to have to manage yet another bank account. I've had good protection from my card provider, the only time I've had fraud on my card they spotted it before I did (and I thoroughly check my statements). If a site looks dodgy I won't use it full stop. I prefer to buy from people with a verifieable street address and phone number (Google streetview is ideal, punch in the address and you can see what sort of building is there and ideally it will have the companys name on it. Plus as streetview is 18 months old you know the retailer has been there for at least that long. A lot of good quality bricks and motar outlets have woken up to the web.
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  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 4,069
    Really don't like paypal, probably from not having particularly good experiences as a seller on Ebay. Much prefer to use a credit card. I always makesure Paypal goes straight through to my credit card anyway. I don't want to have to manage yet another bank account. I've had good protection from my card provider, the only time I've had fraud on my card they spotted it before I did (and I thoroughly check my statements). If a site looks dodgy I won't use it full stop. I prefer to buy from people with a verifieable street address and phone number (Google streetview is ideal, punch in the address and you can see what sort of building is there and ideally it will have the companys name on it. Plus as streetview is 18 months old you know the retailer has been there for at least that long. A lot of good quality bricks and motar outlets have woken up to the web.
    It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

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  • Kiblams
    Kiblams Posts: 2,423
    I used to run a small online shop a few years ago, and as the store was very small I couldn't be bothered or afford to pay for the whole card transaction stuff. I just used Paypal instead and I never had any issues getting customers to buy from the site :D