Vale Cycles Bike Fitting Service - Don't Bother!

James T
Posts: 104
I wouldn't normally post a new topic regarding a negative experience, infact I like to think I extoll the virtues of excellent service received by the likes of Planet X, Shutt and Coventry Cycles, but after today's I feel compelled to do so, so others do not waste their time as well.
I popped into Vale Cycles, in Evesham as about 5.00pm this evening (21 July) on the way home from work, to enquire about their bike fitting service. Initial discussions with the salesperson progressed well..
JT: "Do you do a Bike fitting Service?"
VC: "Yes of course its very important to make sure your bike fits properly"
Getting any further infomation then became harder than pulling hen's teeth, but I persisted and did manage to eventually establish that it cost between £40 and £60 dependant on the level of detail required and it is done by an expert sports scientist at their own house where they are all set up. Great I thought, where do I sign up... ...this is where it went downhill.
VC, very indignantly and patronisingly: "Oh you already have a bike! (look of disgust). The guy is not intrested improving the fit on an existing bike, you'll never be able to get it to fit properly."
JT (look of amazement) "Really, I think it fits reasonably well at the moment, I just want to fine tune my riding position, cleat position etc to make me more efficient - other bike fitters offer this service!"
VC: "No our guy is only interested in fitting new bikes".
I left it there, I guess business is so good for them at the moment that they don't need my money, which is just a well as I was also at the point of buying a very attractive and well fitting Lazer helmet - but didn't bother in the end as I felt kind of dejected
I'm sure that when they do carry out a bike fit they are vey good, in fact they had been recommended by a client of mine, and I guess it's up to them if they don't wish to offer a bike fitting service for people with existing bikes, I just want make to sure others in a simialr position to me don't waste their time as well.
Can anyone else recommend a good bike fitter in the Stratford area, that will provide this service to people that already own a bike and just wish to improve riding position and clarify things such as seat height/position and cleat position.
I popped into Vale Cycles, in Evesham as about 5.00pm this evening (21 July) on the way home from work, to enquire about their bike fitting service. Initial discussions with the salesperson progressed well..
JT: "Do you do a Bike fitting Service?"
VC: "Yes of course its very important to make sure your bike fits properly"
Getting any further infomation then became harder than pulling hen's teeth, but I persisted and did manage to eventually establish that it cost between £40 and £60 dependant on the level of detail required and it is done by an expert sports scientist at their own house where they are all set up. Great I thought, where do I sign up... ...this is where it went downhill.
VC, very indignantly and patronisingly: "Oh you already have a bike! (look of disgust). The guy is not intrested improving the fit on an existing bike, you'll never be able to get it to fit properly."
JT (look of amazement) "Really, I think it fits reasonably well at the moment, I just want to fine tune my riding position, cleat position etc to make me more efficient - other bike fitters offer this service!"
VC: "No our guy is only interested in fitting new bikes".
I left it there, I guess business is so good for them at the moment that they don't need my money, which is just a well as I was also at the point of buying a very attractive and well fitting Lazer helmet - but didn't bother in the end as I felt kind of dejected
I'm sure that when they do carry out a bike fit they are vey good, in fact they had been recommended by a client of mine, and I guess it's up to them if they don't wish to offer a bike fitting service for people with existing bikes, I just want make to sure others in a simialr position to me don't waste their time as well.
Can anyone else recommend a good bike fitter in the Stratford area, that will provide this service to people that already own a bike and just wish to improve riding position and clarify things such as seat height/position and cleat position.
Shabby service... Obviously fitter is on commission from sale of bike!!!0