
bighitjas Posts: 80
edited August 2010 in MTB general
Iv been riding my first DH bike now since xmas and iv loved every second of it but recently iv started riding with a few new mate whos bike are a bit more hard hitting i gess but im not sure what to do. I ride a 09 specilazed big hit 1, my mates have Kona Stinky delexs and specilazed demo 8s, Im finding my brakes to be fading and its getting harder to hang on when following them over the bigger gaps and rougher ground. Do i need a new bigger bike or just a few compnents?I do however like the feel of my big hit
Thanks Jason


  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    sounds more like a service is needed.

    the bike is up to it.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • vengeance111
    vengeance111 Posts: 137
    the suspension needs setting up properly
  • P-Jay
    P-Jay Posts: 1,478
    Hmm could be set-up, or maybe the fork/shock needs a service?

    I don't know the exaxct spec of your bike are theirs, but I would think you're is more basic. You're losing an ince of travel compared to your Demo riding mate, you'll notice that.

    If the brakes are fading you could try (again I don't know what they are so don't go doing it to Shimano brakes) a good bleed with some DOT 5.1. I upgraded my old Juicy 5 brakes on my old Norco A-Line with some Aztec rotors, they're bloody expensive but they made a reall difference in the Alps - still shit though ha ha.
  • shieldsy94
    shieldsy94 Posts: 342
    a good thorough service may be in need, forks, shock, brake bleed, headset grease (if its unsealed), bottom bracket and pedals(if again unsealed) and maybe the hubs. They may be ok but its probably a good start.

    Also tuning the forks, shock and brakes (if adjustable) may help you lots.

    If the brakes are still a bit dodgy then you may need either new pads, rotor or worse case scenario new brakes. I'd recomend clarks skeletal brakes as they are powerful and highly adjustable.

    Hope this helps