Bertie and Shleck kiss and make up

Doobz Posts: 2,800
edited July 2010 in Pro race
Alberto Contador: It was certainly a hard stage. Right from the second kilometre of the stage there were only 14 riders in the peloton.

Gérard Holtz: There were whistles on the podium. Did it shock you to hear that?

AC: No, I can respect why…

GH: Hang on, sorry for interrupting you, but we’ve got another guest here. Andy, can you sit down? Alberto?

AC: We are very good friends and we can’t let that friendship be ruined by what has happened.

GH: Andy, what do you think when you hear Alberto say that?

Andy Schleck: We did speak to each other today. What we all saw yesterday was not something that you want to see in a race, but sometimes things like that do happen. Alberto said to me that it was simply something that’s part of racing. I told him that it’s all fine now. The Tour de France is going to be won by the rider with the best legs, and there is certainly going to be a great battle between the two of us the day after tomorrow.

GH (referring to the video that Contador posted on Youtube in the evening after stage 15): Alberto, is it true that you apologised to Andy?

AC: Yes. I didn’t need to. But we’ve got a very strong friendship and it was for that reason that I wanted to apologise yesterday evening.

AS: I realise that after what happened at Spa the race could already have been over for me. That day the peloton waited for me. Yesterday the situation wasn’t the same, and I realised that I shouldn’t fret about it too much.

GH: You’re like now two boxers preparing for the final rounds on the last Pyrenean stage and also in the final time trial.

AS: Yes, eight second is nothing at all.

GH: Laurent Fignon and Greg LeMond know that all too well…

AS: In the final week of the Tour de France eight seconds between him and me is nothing at all. I think that the Tour will be decided on the Tourmalet and that the first one to the summit will be the man who wins the Tour de France.

GH: Can you also tell those members of the public who have been jeering Alberto that they should stop because once again today there was a scene that was disrespectful of all those who love cycling…

AS: Yes, er…

GH: Can you say it directly into that camera?

AS (looking directly into the camera): Everyone stop that! Do it for me.

GH: That’s good to hear because I think it is right to respect the yellow jersey and also to respect great champions.

AC: I just want to say many, many thanks for that my friend.

GH: Thank you to both of you champions.


  • Orleandrew
    Orleandrew Posts: 61
    And from twitter: "albertocontador: @andy_schleck and me have been talking in the race about yesterday and our relationship will not change.We are good friends."
  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    ac is now tranquillo
  • Orleandrew
    Orleandrew Posts: 61
    The love-in continues: "andy_schleck: Nasty haed day in TDF@albertocontador apologize 2 me today really big from him!!we re good again! End of story!"
  • luckao
    luckao Posts: 632
    Uh.. get a room.
    Contador apologies for his attack, Schleck tells fans to stop jeering Spaniard

    I hope they listen to him. Some of the reactions are beyond pathetic.
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,811
    Any links to the video? If anything it will help me keep my French fresh in my head
  • donrhummy
    donrhummy Posts: 2,329
    I didn't like the host badgering him into telling people to stop booing. It's not his place to do that, and while I don't agree with the boos, I'm not going to take away their right to it. What's wrong with them booing?
  • donrhummy wrote:
    I didn't like the host badgering him into telling people to stop booing. It's not his place to do that, and while I don't agree with the boos, I'm not going to take away their right to it. What's wrong with them booing?

    It's not like they're on the winning team of a football match is it that's 50/50? They just beat 190+ men to be on the top spot. 1/190. It's always special to be on the podium and I think it pains to have the moment marred by jeering. I felt bad when Vino was booed at LBL.

    Having said that AC deserved it, but it shouldn't go on. Good to see that both of them are bigger then a fall out over that. Sort of a shame, I was hoping for a big cycling feud to start. :D

    Andy needs some fire. Hopefully AC will do something else.
    The British Empire never died, it just moved to the Velodrome
  • Mettan
    Mettan Posts: 2,103
    Good to see - all building in the right spirit for the Tourmalet - may the best legs win :D
  • micron
    micron Posts: 1,843
    What next for Gerard Holtz? Bringing peace to the Middle East perhaps??

    The reason he was urging Schleck to tell the fans to stop booing is that it's being done by a small but vocal group of Schleck's supporters.