ribble seat post????

spadve71 Posts: 353
edited July 2010 in Workshop
just got myself a ribble gran fondo and seem to have a problem with the seat post.i got the bike last thursday but never used it till saturday.set the bike up and set the seat and post(torqed to the right setting) to my liking and then went out on a local route i use and every thing was how it should be.after about two miles the seat starts to move from side to side and then starts to drop,i stop and reset it.after another 5 miles it does it again so i head back home.i get up sunday and use abit of tape around the seat post but the same thing happens again.today try to phone ribbles to hear what they think i should do but after trying to get through on the phone about 15 times i gave up.can anyone tell me if they have had any problems like this or a quick fix for the problem.as its my first carbon bike i dont want to over torque any parts and have a fooked bike.all replys welcome cheers
