What a crap few days

Eranu Posts: 712
edited July 2010 in MTB general
I've had a right mare the last fews days.

Started on Saturday, took my daughter out on a ride, she had a pretty nasty off cut, her knee and elbow to shreds, banged her chin and hit her tooth on the ground. Thankfully nothing worse than that but I did feel really guilty as it was the first time she'd riden this particular trail, which is much easier than stuff she has riden before but even so. Took her to the denist today to have a teeth checked, thankfully she got the all clear.

We're off on holiday tomorrow and I have today off. So I thought I'd get a nice big ride in, chuck the bike in the car go up to QEP and set off. The bike was making a bit of a funny noise thought it maybe the head set but on after stopping a few times it I worked out it was coming from the frame and I have a crack where the top tube meets the seat tube :( To top it all off it looks like the dealer I bought my bike from has gone out of business!!

Currently waiting for another local Cube dealer to call me back, fingers crossed!


  • jayson
    jayson Posts: 4,606
    Its awfull when kids hurt themselves u do always feel properly guilty but they're pretty resilient and its usually forgotten about in the a couple days :D
  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    I was guiding int he alps with a family of riders - the two kids and i set off down a road section heading back to town, the lad was pretty good and liked going fast, I swept round one right hander to a junction, stopped and looked behind me to see the lad low side off his bike on the corner and slide straight off the road into a dirt bank - I shat myself and ran back to see if he was OK - I was so worried what his parents and my boss would think of me if he had been badly hurt!

    Bummer for a cracked bike though - Cube will sort you out I am sure.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    blitz jr stacked it last week on the Chase. Took most of the skin off one forearm and knee, big bruise and gravel rash on his hip. Fortunately no head or face injuries :)

    Apart from saying he was a little sore that night, he didn't have any treatment. In a day or so it had all scabbed over and was gone within a week.

    Unfortunately bikes don't have this healing ability so good luck with the warranty claim and enjoy your hols.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I've bricked it on a few occasions when I've taken a mate's daughter out on the bikes. She's got plenty of bottle, but is still learning restraint, and ability!

    She does have this uncanny knack of managing to find the very best spot to land when she falls off though.
    She came off once on a trail through a freshly cut forestry, with tree stumps everywhere, I cringed, thinking it was going to go horribly wrong, but she managed to land in the only 1 foot squared bit of soft moss in the entire area, completely unharmed and laughing madly!
    Amazing - I wish I had that skill :lol: