Best Cyclist who never won the TDF - Your View



  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    SpaceJunk wrote:
    Tom Danielson. And although he hasn't retired, I reckon he has run out of chances.

    He just won the Mt Washington hill climb AGAIN a couple of weeks ago, so surely grand tour glory is just around the corner.
  • Dgh
    Dgh Posts: 180
    Hard to see how people can say anyone other than Binda. 5 Giri, 40 stages, 3 Worlds, Kelly and Poulidor have their merits but surely they can't compare with Binda? :roll:
  • dombo6
    dombo6 Posts: 582
    Raymond Poulidor
  • tomb8555
    tomb8555 Posts: 229
    Andy Schleck :lol:
  • sudholz
    sudholz Posts: 69
    Malcolm Elliott :!:
    Well. Certaintly...
  • Gavin Cook
    Gavin Cook Posts: 307
    Bernard Hinault was incredible but my childhood hero was the columbian Lucho Herrera. No one could keep with him when he attacked.
  • Jalabert.
    Top bloke and a cycling legend!
  • Robstar24
    Robstar24 Posts: 173
    only plausible answer to this question is Poulidor, he managed to come second to Anquetil and Merckx, and finished 3rd in 1976 at age 40! had it not been for his rivals one step up the podium we'd probably talk about poulidor as the best rider of all time.

    some of the riders who have been suggested are silly, as they were more classics riders (eg: kelly).

    to change the topic slightly, best rider not to have won the Tour MORE? My vote is with Bartali
  • dave milne
    dave milne Posts: 703
    jaja lead the protests against the treatment of the riders on the 98 tour and abandoned later. he also road for a highly suspect once team so I have my suspicions
  • fearby
    fearby Posts: 245
    SpaceJunk wrote:
    Tom Danielson. And although he hasn't retired, I reckon he has run out of chances.

    :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

    Eh what?
  • ultimobici
    ultimobici Posts: 44
    Fiorenzo Magni.

    Was forced to withdraw with the whole Italian contingent in 1950 Tour on the say so of Binda after Bartali was threatened by Robic's fans.
  • paulcuthbert
    paulcuthbert Posts: 1,016
    Andy Schleck is looking like a likely candidate for this thread after today, at least for another year!
  • msw
    msw Posts: 313
    dreamlx10 wrote:
    Bugno PURE class on a bike

    Not according to Laurent Fignon in his biography !

    To be fair Fignon calls Bugno "a true superstar" with "talent to burn" but says he couldn't put up with the tactical naivety and lack of aggression of the team (Gatorade I think, though he doesn't name them).
    "We're not holding up traffic. We are traffic."
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    dave milne wrote:
    jaja lead the protests against the treatment of the riders on the 98 tour and abandoned later. he also road for a highly suspect once team so I have my suspicions
    Jalabert led the initial protest against the heavy-handed police action because he was the pro-riders spokesman or representative with the UCI at the time, sort of designated 'captain' and therefore the appropriate rider to lead the protest (Jens Voigt has this role nowadays).
    There's almost no one who hasn't ridden for a highly-supect team.
  • knedlicky
    knedlicky Posts: 3,097
    msw wrote:
    dreamlx10 wrote:
    Bugno PURE class on a bike
    Not according to Laurent Fignon in his biography !
    Fignon ...says he couldn't put up with the ... lack of aggression
    My feeling about Bugno too.
  • Robstar24
    Robstar24 Posts: 173
    Bugno was in Gatorade with Fignon, Chateau D'Ax before that. Interesting rider, given his abilities in grand tours and one day races.
  • rajMAN
    rajMAN Posts: 429
    msw wrote:
    dreamlx10 wrote:
    Bugno PURE class on a bike

    Not according to Laurent Fignon in his biography !

    To be fair Fignon calls Bugno "a true superstar" with "talent to burn" but says he couldn't put up with the tactical naivety and lack of aggression of the team (Gatorade I think, though he doesn't name them).

    As an avid follower of Bugno's career, he could be frustrating to watch at times, seemed to be holding something back! as was said about Rominger earlier in this thread.

    I stand by what I said about Bugno being pure class! pity at times he didn't have some of the bucketloads of aggression Fignon seemed to have!