BC Points Dilemma

sods_law Posts: 161
edited July 2010 in Amateur race
Morning all, I wonder if anyone knows the definitive answer to this...

I start cycling last year, and got BC Silver membership and a provisional license so I could have a go racing. I have started racing properly over the last few weeks, using the provisional license on the basis that I havn't been anywhere near the points, I will wait to get a full license. I have also previously been told (I think others have had similar advice on this forum) that even if you score points on a provisional license, if you contact BC and upgrade to a full one pronto, BC will give you the points.

Anyway, my provisional license runs out end of the month, so yesterday I applied online for a full one. Sod's Law however (would have to be me), I got some points last night, racing on my provisional license (new one only ordered that day), but I was told BC don't transfer points across from provisionals to full licenses?

Has anyone had any experience with this before? I am intending to ring BC on Monday, but would be nice to know what to expect their answer to be...

Thanks all :)


  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    sods_law wrote:
    Has anyone had any experience with this before? I am intending to ring BC on Monday, but would be nice to know what to expect their answer to be...

    I doubt you'll get them ( I got my first scoring position on a provisional and didn't get it) but don't worry about it, you get the 10, and after that stop chasing points and start chasing wins! If you can score points yesterday, you can score them again, particularly as I'm guessing you're in the South East (as I think Dunsfold is the only friday 4th cat racing at the moment) where there's loads of opportunity.
    Jibbering Sports Stuff: http://jibbering.com/sports/
  • Lillywhite
    Lillywhite Posts: 742
    Why worry about about the loss of a few points? I presume you want to be a third category rider and if so then just ask the BC for a third category license when you take out a full licence.
    Failing that stay fourth category, kick a few butts, and get sufficient points to upgrade that way. Either way it's no big deal what category you are. I know many who want to remain third category and not go to second category where the opportunties to race without travelling far are more limited and the races are harder to win.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    If you ordered your full licence BEFORE the race then you will get the points.

    All you will have to do is ring them up when your actual licence arrives (it may be sent to your club secretary) and explain - talk to Julie in the membership department as she handles all the points. I used to work there and they are pretty flexible. We're talking 4th cat here - not really a big deal to them.

    They will have a record of when you bought the licence and when the race was.

    Or as others have said - don't worry about it and go out and earn some more points in another race!
  • sods_law
    sods_law Posts: 161
    Cheers all :)

    Yea, would like to be a 3rd Cat, as I fancy racing over some hills as i'm defo more of a climber than a sprinter!

    Ill speak to them and see what they say, but am prepared to shrug them off and try again as i've only actually done 4 races! Just a pity to lose 8 points the first time I score any! Doh! :)
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    You'll get them if you ask - as others have said they are pretty flexible - I've known people get an upgrade because they asked even though they were a few points short of 2nd cat.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • maryka
    maryka Posts: 748
    Lillywhite wrote:
    I presume you want to be a third category rider and if so then just ask the BC for a third category license when you take out a full licence.
    LOL if only every newbie did this when they started racing... 3rds races would be just like 4ths. :lol: :roll:

    You only get to ask to be a 3rd if you can show you've raced before -- been off a few years or whatever. Everyone else starts as 4th cat and with good reason.
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    sods_law wrote:
    Cheers all :)

    Yea, would like to be a 3rd Cat, as I fancy racing over some hills as i'm defo more of a climber than a sprinter!

    Most of the races around here seem to be 3rd/4th Cat combined anyway so can't see what difference being 3rd Cat would actually make.
    More problems but still living....
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    amaferanga wrote:
    sods_law wrote:
    Cheers all :)

    Yea, would like to be a 3rd Cat, as I fancy racing over some hills as i'm defo more of a climber than a sprinter!

    Most of the races around here seem to be 3rd/4th Cat combined anyway so can't see what difference being 3rd Cat would actually make.

    The only difference it makes is that you CAN'T ride in 4th only races!
  • sub55
    sub55 Posts: 1,025
    wen you get to the other end of the system [ 2nd to 1st] you`ul find riders try damn hard not to get point
    constantly reavalueating the situation and altering the perceived parameters accordingly
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,634
    As 4th cat didn't exist the last time I had a licence do you reckon I can go straight to 3rd cat? I think 5th cat will be more suitable for me though :wink:
  • sods_law
    sods_law Posts: 161
    Quick update, as I'm sure this same questions will pop up again sometime.

    BC won't transfer the points unless you have an active full race license. Mine wasn't active at the time (hadn't been processed), and so no points for me.

    They have been pretty helpful mind, they emailed me a scanned copy of my new license, so I can print it off and use it until the proper one arrives.

    Just need to win some points again :)
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    Pross wrote:
    As 4th cat didn't exist the last time I had a licence do you reckon I can go straight to 3rd cat? I think 5th cat will be more suitable for me though :wink:

    assuming BC still has your licence records, they will give you a 3rd cat licence, not a 4th..
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,634
    Will they :shock: I never get any points, there just wasn't a 4th cat back then. Doubt they'll have my records fortunately. To be fair to me I would have had some points under the current system but they were only given for top 6 placings back then (honest!) :wink:
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    Pross wrote:
    Will they :shock: I never get any points, there just wasn't a 4th cat back then. Doubt they'll have my records fortunately. To be fair to me I would have had some points under the current system but they were only given for top 6 placings back then (honest!) :wink:

    I took out another licence this year - first one since 1998. The last licence I held was a 3rd cat with a few points on it (seven, I think).

    Unbelievably, they still had my details on file from 12 years ago. The old licence points are not really relevant, but as long as you are on record as previously holding a 3rd cat licence (or indeed 2nd or 1st), I think you will get issued with a 3rd cat licence again.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,634
    Bugger! Hopefully their records don't go back to 96 :lol: