Best Value for money?


  • Aggressor for me.

    Like I said in your 1st post... go to Squires Gate Halfords and try some bikes out!

    Both the Vengance and the Aggressor are in there.
  • think you need to check out the bike sizes at a local store just to be sure 1st, but the 2008 gt on ebay would be my own choice, it has the better frame and forks than bikes costing £1000 and the drive train is better as well, supersonics got a zaskar and its a very versatile bike
  • Thanks for that, they have just sold the last Vengance to a friend of a friend, and he loves it (no much so he wont take it out in the rain lol).

    Im not keen on buying 2nd hand as if things are wrong it can soon eat into saving.

    Are Halford good to deal with?

    I went into a local bike shop today, showed him the Vengance spec and comented on how good value it was but then went on to say he wouldnt be seen dead on a Halfords bike. (words to that effect)

    In another shop I got offered an GT Avalanche 1.0 (2009) for £450 but the frame was only 18" and im 6.2" :(

    (Thanks for your help)
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    The 18 might fit - try it.

    Have a look at the Carrera Kraken too.
  • The Northern Monkey
    The Northern Monkey Posts: 19,136
    edited July 2010
    What LBS was that? i'd stay away if I were you... sounds like they're just trying to use an unfair reputation. halfords bike are some of the best VFM you can get these days.

    The guys up at Squires Gate in Halfords are top blokes...just go on a thursday or friday evening (open till 8pm) don't go on the weekend when the rabble are in.
  • Would you say the GT Avalanche 1.0 (2009) for £450 is a bargain?

    Its still over £100 more than the Vengance, would I see a lot for the extra?
  • Would you say the GT Avalanche 1.0 (2009) for £450 is a bargain?

    depends on condition tbh!
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Yes, the Avalanche is a better bike in almost every way. Especially forks.
  • Its brand new, old stock
  • Its brand new, old stock

    try it for size then?!
  • My inside leg is about 30", might go and try it tomorrow and make a cheeky offer of £420 CASH ;)
  • no reason not to buy it then especially at the price most stores would still be charging around the £550 mark for the gt, nothing wrong with halfords either, i have used the one on preston docks a couple of times before i bought my carrera from them and never even got charged for the work they did on my bike, its true about not going at weekends though, its seems to be family day out especially at squires gate
  • beski
    beski Posts: 542
    I'm 6ft and my GT Avalanche Expert is a Medium (18.5 inch I think) and the fits fine so hopefully you'll be ok
    Giant Defy 4 2014
    GT Avalanche Expert 2006
    Specialized Hardrock 1989
  • bdigital
    bdigital Posts: 193
    watch out for the Halfords offers - they occasionally reduce bikes. For example 20% of Carrera recently.

    This could bring some good bikes into your price range
  • Thanks for all your help, I notice the Dawes options isnt very popular.

    Im off to have a look at a few more bike shops, then to try out the GT Av 1.0.