Great archive of old cycling video

edeverett Posts: 224
edited July 2010 in Pro race
And now for something not TDF related - an archive of old cycling film with some great racing clips:

Including, among many others "Bartali wins Giro de Piedmont" in 1951 (loving the Bianchi support car)

I've not had time to watch all of them, so if you find any highlights, list them here.


  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Looks good - will check it out later. Thanks.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • I found this one a while back, might interest anyone who's raced on the Isle of Wight over the years. Comes with comedy (intentional or otherwise) 1950's patter ('there's none of this nonsense about closing the roads to traffic'). The steep hill with the car is Newchurch Shute, btw, and the finish area is at the top of Limekiln Shute.

    All that's left of this festival now is a Randonee, which I suppose tells its own story.
  • sampurnell
    sampurnell Posts: 126
    I found this one a while back, might interest anyone who's raced on the Isle of Wight over the years. Comes with comedy (intentional or otherwise) 1950's patter ('there's none of this nonsense about closing the roads to traffic'). The steep hill with the car is Newchurch Shute, btw, and the finish area is at the top of Limekiln Shute.

    All that's left of this festival now is a Randonee, which I suppose tells its own story.

    thats an awesome looking hill and look at the crowd that race attracted!