Cycling routes Normandy/Brittany borders

chriskempton Posts: 1,245
edited July 2010 in Tour & expedition
Got a holiday coming up near Vire in Nomandy (midway between Caen and St Malo)

Anyone know any good routes/areas for day rides?



  • peter_andrew
    peter_andrew Posts: 373
    More Btittany than Normandy but may give you some ideas since no one else has replied
  • rf6
    rf6 Posts: 323
    I found the coast road from Cancale east to Mont St Michel quite nice when I went a couple of weeks ago. Not very demanding in terms of hills if that's what you're after.

    Town wise, if it's within your reach Dinan and Dinard are both nice and worth a visit. Very nice part of the world. I did it on a mountain bike, so took some trails here and there, and didn't do great distances.

    I then headed down to Rennes, via lots of country roads and villages. There is the Rance / Lille canal path which goes from Rennes to Dinan which makes for nice easy miles.

    I'm no touring expert, that was my 1st go, so I haven't got exact routes written down, I just went were I felt. Hopefully it'll give you an idea or two tho.
  • chriskempton
    chriskempton Posts: 1,245
    Thanks guys some good leads there, looks like heading west to brittany would be better. We have cars as well, so can drive to start of rides. Mont St Michel looks a definite destination.
  • Mr Smooth
    Mr Smooth Posts: 70
    We stayed in Bayeaux a few years ago, based at a campsite and did a number of day rides. We found a good map when we were over there with a number of suggested routes to follow - can't find it now but sure it will be in the shops when you get there.

    St Malo is v pretty (within the old walls - Intramuros) and you can get a ferry across to Dinard from there (or vice versa).