Danube cycleway maps and distances

foxxc Posts: 8
edited July 2010 in Tour & expedition
Just wondering whether anyone on here might sell me these maps for the cycleway, or maybe someone's got scans of them? I've heard that it's well signposted but I'd rather me well-prepped. Thanks guys.


  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    Try Stanfords in London. I'm pretty sure they have them. I cycled the length of it a few years back - or rather Black Forest to Budapest, which was its length in 2000 when I did it (it's been extended since) and back then it was wonderfully well signposted from the Black Forest to Vienna. You could get by without the maps - which are sort of like booklets - and indeed I did get by without them until Passau, and only bought one then because i could see that they really did add value in terms of information on the various towns, facilities, sights etc along the way to help you plan your day.

    The path is (or at least was) great - beautiful and well thought-out, with signposts on the outskirts of the towns and villages giving information on the hostels, B&Bs etc in town. The stretch from Regensburg to Vienna is the nicest, but all of it is great. You'll have a nice time.
  • CumbrianMan
    CumbrianMan Posts: 240

    You could try www.cycling-in-germany.co.uk, where they are approx £12.50, or the website from the producers, www.esterbauer.com, where they are approx €13.50.

    "There are no hills, there is no wind, I feel no pain !"

    "A bad day on the bike is always better than a good day in the office !"
  • blorg
    blorg Posts: 1,169
    You would be fine without the maps which I believe are readily available on the track itself.

    I did it from Donauworth in Germany to Gyor in Hungary more or less taking short cuts where the river did a meander. No map at all. I had an Edge 705 which did roads... the track was signposted, sometimes on the GPS sometimes not but not difficult to follow. I met a couple with the booklet/flip chart maps and they looked very good. IIRC they got them locally.
  • foxxc
    foxxc Posts: 8
    Thanks for all the info! I think i'll just wait until i get there then.

    Another query though, how far / long does it take (on average) from passau to Budapest? Does anyone have any rough estimates. We're probably arriving in Passau by the end of august and our flight back from budapest will be around the 10th Sept, is that feasible?
  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    How long is a piece of string? How far do you like to go in a day? HOw much sightseeing and how much time in the saddle? Many cake stops, or few?

    From memory it is 200 miles from Passau to Vienna, and I think it was about the same distance beyond that to Budapest (I could be wrong on that, but 200 is definitely close to the mark for Passau-Vienna) The trail flows along very nicely and the scenery is quite seductive so if you enjoy cycling you can easily find yourself covering long distances - I did Passau-Vienna in just over two days, without even meaning to do it that quickly. Then I spent a few days in Vienna before pushing on to Budapest.

    Passau to Vienna is also prettier than the next, Budapest, leg.