Florence and the Machine

supersonic Posts: 82,708
edited July 2010 in The Crudcatcher
Just watched some of their live stuff on BBC3 - the biggest pile of rubbish I have ever heard, she cannot sing at all.


  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,787
    yeah but shes nice to look at :wink:
  • yeah but shes nice to look at :wink:

    you cannot be serious :shock:

    Go big or go home.
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    Florence 1970 is calling they would like there music back

    Nice legs shame about the voice
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Saw her at Reading last year, spent quite a lot of the set discussing whether she used to be a man. But her version of Halo is really, really good.

    (I like Dog Days and Between 2 Lungs too, but it's a 13 track album so 2 good songs doesn't make a superstar...)
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Mr Wu
    Mr Wu Posts: 1,238
    Have to say, with risk of being shot down in flames, she is good live. I saw her at the hammersmith earlier this year.

    Cracking legs, though up close she looks a little like Noel fielding.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Yup, I thought that too. About the good live and the Fielding. Very good frontwoman...
    Uncompromising extremist
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    She can't sing lol. Maybe a good show woman. But a singer, sounds like a strangled cat.
  • ski-freak
    ski-freak Posts: 121
    she got fingered at Leeds Uni end of year ball whilst crowdsurfing! then proceeded to throw a hissy fit and storm off!
  • snotty badger
    snotty badger Posts: 1,593
    :shock: You can't really blame her! Thats just about rape isn't it!
    08 Pitch Pro
    14 Kona Unit
    Kona Kula SS
    Trailstar SS
    94 Univega Alpina 5.3
  • Mr Wu
    Mr Wu Posts: 1,238
    Yeah my fingers still stink to this very day.

    She certainly got the love that night :0)
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    she's got a great voice for what she does, like kate bush had for what she did, and florence copies. :lol:
  • She's all right until she starts shouting, which she inevitably does in all of her songs!

    Listen to the start of Dog Days and she sounds great, but the longer the song goes on the louder she gets and the more annoying it becomes!
  • Mr Wu
    Mr Wu Posts: 1,238
    Listen to any woman most Days and she sounds great, but the longer the she goes on the louder she gets and the more annoying she becomes!

    edit :-)
  • She can't sing, is boring and incredibly pretentious. Just like Lilly Allen/Kate Bush/Joss Stone/Marina and the Diamonds/Ellie Goulding etc etc etc etc etc etc etc zzzzzzzz.......

    Bring back proper rock music like AC/DC and Queens of the Stoneage! :twisted:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    She can't sing, is boring and incredibly pretentious. Just like Lilly Allen/Kate Bush/Joss Stone/Marina and the Diamonds/Ellie Goulding etc etc etc etc etc etc etc zzzzzzzz.......

    Bring back proper rock music like AC/DC and Queens of the Stonehenge! :twisted:
    So, you're not into any female singer then?
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    I much prefered her when she was with Zebedee...
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    I reckon she can sing, just a bit too keen on wailing for my taste. Very powerful voice when she uses it right though.

    OTOH... How much does Drumming Song sound like Kate Bush? You're running up that hill...
    Uncompromising extremist
  • ski-freak
    ski-freak Posts: 121
    I thought this was brilliant though...

    amazing collaboration! i think at least 200 of the views for that video are mine.
  • ski-freak wrote:
    I thought this was brilliant though...

    amazing collaboration! i think at least 200 of the views for that video are mine.

    i watched it live and was in awe.

    Not by her though.... Dizzy's timing + rapping is superb. He's probably the only rap artist i'd see live.
  • ski-freak
    ski-freak Posts: 121
    yea i watched it when it was on tv and was amazed. saw dizzee the other year at leeds and he was the highlight of the weekend. would love to see him again
  • mrfmilo
    mrfmilo Posts: 2,250
    Yeah the only song I like from her is the one with Dizzee.

    Doesn't lawman like her, or is that hayley williams? :lol:
  • mmmmm Hayley Wiliams :)

    I'm off to see Paramore live in November :wink:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    mmmmm Hayley Wiliams :)

    I'm off to see Paramore live in November :wink:
    Saw Paramoe live at the big weekend. They really ARE good live. She's a fantastic frontwoman.
    Not a parcticularly big fan of theirs, but I like some of their stuff. But live, well, they were excellent.
  • mmmmm Hayley Wiliams :)

    I'm off to see Paramore live in November :wink:
    Saw Paramoe live at the big weekend. They really ARE good live. She's a fantastic frontwoman.
    Not a parcticularly big fan of theirs, but I like some of their stuff. But live, well, they were excellent.

    Glad to hear it :D

    Her voice is sooo powerful for such a small little lass!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    very. But she just totally owned the stage. She's no shrinking violet for sure.
    I think her voice sounds amazing when she's singing soft too though, like in the B.o.B track "Airplanes".

    I was completely blown away by how good the band were, I mean, they were simply astonishing.
    Then during a short break, she announced they were from Nashville, Tenesse.....
    That explains it!

    In case you didn't know, Nashville seems to be a place where thoroughbred musicians are born and raised - to rise to the top when you come from there you have to extraordinarily talented.