injury sustained, looking for advice...

flah00 Posts: 3
edited July 2010 in Track

New to the forums and fixed cycling... I injured myself a coupla months ago and I'm looking find out what others' experiences have been... My doctor, thus far, hasn't proved to be completely useful or attentive ...

I have a stress fracture in my calcaneus, two torn ligaments, and a muscle sprain. I was in a removable cast for a month and I've continued convalescing another month.

I have found that I can ride my geared road bike without issue (chainring 48/53 cassette 16/11). My fixie, on the other hand, causes me almost instant pain (chainring 49 rear 16)... I've stopped riding my fixie.

But I'm wondering if anyone has suffered even vaguely similar injuries and found they couldn't ride fixed? I'm considering decreasing my gear ratio, because it seems the only other option I have is to pretend my fixie doesn't exist for a while... (What ever the problem is, it's not a consequence of skid stopping, I use brakes).

Thoughts, opinions, etc appreciated.


I jumped off of the roof of a car in Feb and then ramped up my fixed gear riding during the ensuing months. Two months later I had a stabbing pain in the back of my leg, between the calf and ankle... That must've been the torn ligaments. I can't completely stop riding, because I don't have a car and bus stops are 1/2 mile from my house (doc says riding is better than walking, because continued stress on the heel will delay healing).


  • evilollie
    evilollie Posts: 148
    what ligaments did you tear, partial tears i guess ? not ruptures
  • flah00
    flah00 Posts: 3
    From the MRI report:
    Mild posterior tibial tenosynovitis
    Near complete tear of the anterior talofibular ligament

    Small stress fracture in the plantar medial aspect of the calcaneus
    Associated edema more diffusely in the calcaneus
    Achilles tendon in tact, no evidence of tendinitis or peritendinitis
    Sprain of the deltoid
  • evilollie
    evilollie Posts: 148
    im guessing the posterior tibial tendon will be the cause of the pain. I have pttd , due to tendonitis , which over time caused mine to stretch causing pronation at the ankle, and i am stuck with orthotics.

    there is a decent website showing the mechanics of pttd

    i did my acl as well and can tell you ligament injuries take ages to recover from