Hunter not best pleased!!

intothe12 Posts: 190
edited July 2010 in Pro race
Following the ramblings that are Robbie Hunter’s tweets, it was clear from the last few days that he is dying to go full gas at those sprints.

He also seems a bit annoyed or frustrated at Tyler today for waiting for Cav to open it up instead of jumping him. In Tylers condition, he probably does not have the straight line speed and power in his wrist to come around Cav. He needs to go earlier. I thought Garmin did a great lead out.

Let Robbie off the chain!!!

RobbieHunter Again I say if we can manage to stay together we will win...its often the guy who jumps first who wins..last 2 days its been Cav.

RobbieHunter I looked back never saw TY & hesitated cause never wanted to pull the sprint for Cav..I had more to give if Ty was there..

RobbieHunter Team did a magic lead out again..JD & me swapped positions Ty just lost the wheel in the last right hander..when I wanted to go with 300...


  • jimycooper
    jimycooper Posts: 740
    But ultimately farrar is faster than hunter and has proven so...
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    A fully fit Farrar, yes.
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • dave_1
    dave_1 Posts: 9,512
    Robbie H's P45 will be in the post I think :)
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Some things are best said on the team bus, instead of twitter. He should stick to sending messages about Chuck Norris.
  • acidstrato
    acidstrato Posts: 945
    yep, that certainly wont go down well
    Crafted in Italy apparantly
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    I would love to see Robbie win another stage of the Tour. You either laugh with or, more usually, at his tweets, but he' s honest, passionate and wears his heart on his sleeve. Mmmmm, now who does that remind us of? Guess that's why I love the sprinters.

    Actually, for JV's sake, I would cheer them all the way if Garmin could win a stage. And I would prefer Hunter over Farrar.