Not always wise to remonstrate drivers on mobiles.



  • Mark Elvin
    Mark Elvin Posts: 997
    I was spat at the other day by a car driver who nearly mowed me down.

    Nice people about.
    2012 Cannondale Synapse
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    Lesson learnt there. Keep it shut.
  • navt
    navt Posts: 374
    The only thing worse than being spat at by a drive using a mobile phone is being spat at by a fellow cyclist you're trying to draft.

    Then again, I have seen cyclist spit at cars they felt they had been aggreived by.

    What is it with spitting? Is it the new PC decking?

    It is GROSS!
  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    See this link here for online reporting

    you can even send them the youtube link. Lets have him off the road.
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553

    I thought mikeys comment was nice and lighthearted...didn't give him grief...just mentioned it, then went on his way....

    what a prize goat...

    I bet that got the adrenaline going!
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • il_principe
    il_principe Posts: 9,155
    What an utter C*nt.

    Spitting is pretty nasty although I have to admit I've done it once, right through the open window of a mini cab, and in fairness he had:

    a: Just treid to kill me
    b: Spat first - mine was far more accurate and of a more satisfying consistency.

    Really hope the Police get involved.
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    MTB-Idle wrote:
    non action is the best policy

    The mantra of the do-nothing generation. Well done for not at helping to make the world a better place.
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    What an utter C*nt.

    Spitting is pretty nasty although I have to admit I've done it once, right through the open window of a mini cab, and in fairness he had:

    a: Just treid to kill me
    b: Spat first - mine was far more accurate and of a more satisfying consistency.

    Really hope the Police get involved.

    I once got spat on by a besuited pedestrian when cycling on a shared use pavement - marked up as shared use - on the Isle of Dogs. the only reson he was able to spit on me was becasue I had stopped to allow the mass of pedestrians going the other way to pass - and this bloke comes out of the crowd - looks at me a for a second - me wondering what he was going to say - thankyou for stopping, maybe? And he flobbed on my face. Anyway I confronted him and held up while remonstrating loudly with him in front of loads of other people - asked loudly why he spat on me - got a small audience and had feeling they were sympathetic to me. This bloke looked scared but held his own and refused to speak a word. so - last resort - I pulled up a mouthful of gob and made the motions of being about to gob right in this guys face - but could not bring myself to do it - disgusting thing to do. The guy ran off before I could anyway - it was hilarious and I'm hoping it scared him enough to be polite to cyclists in future.
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    navt wrote:
    What is it with spitting?

    The most ancient form of biological warfare.
  • always_tyred
    always_tyred Posts: 4,965
    Porgy wrote:
    navt wrote:
    What is it with spitting?
    The most ancient form of biological warfare.
    Look out, there are Llamas.
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,524
    Porgy wrote:
    MTB-Idle wrote:
    non action is the best policy

    The mantra of the do-nothing generation. Well done for not at helping to make the world a better place.
    If its likely to result in you getting flattened by a car or getting the crap beaten out of you then I'd say it's not worth it. Sometimes you have make a call on how dangerous someone is likely to be before having a 'word'.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,035
    Porgy wrote:
    MTB-Idle wrote:
    non action is the best policy

    The mantra of the do-nothing generation. Well done for not at helping to make the world a better place.

    Because getting into a fight always helps your cause.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    rjsterry wrote:
    Porgy wrote:
    MTB-Idle wrote:
    non action is the best policy

    The mantra of the do-nothing generation. Well done for not at helping to make the world a better place.

    Because getting into a fight always helps your cause.

    you don't have to get into a fight
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    Stevo 666 wrote:
    Porgy wrote:
    MTB-Idle wrote:
    non action is the best policy

    The mantra of the do-nothing generation. Well done for not at helping to make the world a better place.
    If its likely to result in you getting flattened by a car or getting the crap beaten out of you then I'd say it's not worth it. Sometimes you have make a call on how dangerous someone is likely to be before having a 'word'.

    well then it's not the best policy - it's an option that sometimes is the best option. I would have accepted that.
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,035
    Porgy wrote:
    rjsterry wrote:
    Porgy wrote:
    MTB-Idle wrote:
    non action is the best policy

    The mantra of the do-nothing generation. Well done for not at helping to make the world a better place.

    Because getting into a fight always helps your cause.

    you don't have to get into a fight

    I think MTB-Idle's point was about not punching the guy, as several people had suggested that this is what they might have done. I don't think he or I were suggesting that the incident should just have been ignored.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    rjsterry wrote:
    Porgy wrote:
    rjsterry wrote:
    Porgy wrote:
    MTB-Idle wrote:
    non action is the best policy

    The mantra of the do-nothing generation. Well done for not at helping to make the world a better place.

    Because getting into a fight always helps your cause.

    you don't have to get into a fight

    I think MTB-Idle's point was about not punching the guy, as several people had suggested that this is what they might have done. I don't think he or I were suggesting that the incident should just have been ignored.

    OK - I certainly would never have punched the guy.
  • Mikey politely remonstrated with someone acting illegally and placing him in danger.

    The cops have given up, this was their response when a mate sent in footage of drivers on mobiles:

    Dear cyclist,

    In response to your e-mail about mobile phones the answer is we do prosecute motorists for driving whilst using them, either in special campaigns which we place in the public domain or on an on-going and continual basis as part of normal policing activity.

    I agree that the evidence currently would suggest society's addiction to their use supersedes their fear of apprehension.

    It is unlikely we would prosecute from u-tube video alone. The evidential trail is difficult and time consuming besides there are a high number of offenders on our roads every day who need catching.

    Thank you for your interest.

    Had Mikey reported just the mobile use the cops would have done bugger all.

    There's something badly wrong if they do nothing when they see this ape driver carrying on like a completely shitty bumclown.
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    I'm still awaiting the outcome to an incident that occured last week in south London - in which a motorist who didn't like the way I was cycling got out of his car, pushed me off my bike, kicked my bike, and then when I stood up, punched me in the face hard enough for me to need 5 stiches in my mouth.

    It was all reported to the police - with two witnesses who saw his irrational tirade against my entirely legal and safe use of the road.

    He did all this in front of his young daughter who he was clearly taking to school. god help her.
  • Jesus!
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525

    no - it wasn't him. :lol:
  • lost_in_thought
    lost_in_thought Posts: 10,563
    Mikey politely remonstrated with someone acting illegally and placing him in danger.

    While I agree he was acting illegally, I don't think the van driver was placing Mikey in any danger using a mobile while stopped in a queue of traffic.
    There's something badly wrong if they do nothing when they see this ape driver carrying on like a completely shitty bumclown.

  • Agent57
    Agent57 Posts: 2,300
    I must admit, I find it very hard to keep calm when someone pulls out in front of me, or cuts me up etc. Only this evening I had words with some geezer, ended up calling him all sorts, as well as stopping my bike in the carriageway and getting off to have words in his window.

    Yehuda Moon I ain't.
    MTB commuter / 531c commuter / CR1 Team 2009 / RockHopper Pro Disc / 10 mile PB: 25:52 (Jun 2014)
  • Aguila
    Aguila Posts: 622
    Pondlife like this cannot be reasoned with.

    I've given up yelling, it does no good and might just get you seriously hurt.

    I just content myself with the thought that their life is massively shitter than mine.
  • greg66_tri_v2.0
    greg66_tri_v2.0 Posts: 7,172
    The driver was breaking the law. Simple. But it's a nonsense to say that anyone, including Bentmikey was endangered by it. And the driver's reaction to be told to put his phone away was pretty cnutish.

    But now time to swim against the tide.

    The whole incident could have been avoided by saying nothing. If you want to play traffic cop without a badge, fine. Just don't be surprised when no one plays ball around you. The driver I'd bet was at least incensed by Bentmikey cutting in front of him in the queue as the comment - the clue is in the aggressive tailgating and forced pass he makes up the inside when BM has a good three feet of space between his right and the dotted line.

    Completely avoidable incident that could have ended up a *lot* worse than it did. Plenty of drivers carry wheel jacks up front to help sort out arguments. This one didn't. That's a result, of sorts.
    Aguila wrote:
    I've given up yelling, it does no good and might just get you seriously hurt.

    I just content myself with the thought that their life is massively shitter than mine.

    I wouldn't quite put it that way, as that seems to concede that your life is shit, but I agree with the sentiment.
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • flateric
    flateric Posts: 201
    Of course you can post this vid on not only here but on every other cycling forum, you tube flickr, facebook and every other sharing website you and anyone you konw has access too. Oh and maybe send it too a couple of local papers and the TV news.
    Bike one Dawes Acoma (heavily modified)
    Bike two (trek) Lemond Etape (dusty and not ridden much)
    Bike Three Claude Butler chinook, (freebee from
    Freecycle, Being stripped and rebuilt
    (is 3 too many bikes)
  • zn533
    zn533 Posts: 66
    Drivers on mobiles are dangerous. They aren't paying full attention to manouevering a massive, heavy hunk steel at speed around more (or indeed equally) vulnerable road users.

    In the case of a nearby cyclist, a driver on their phone is literally putting that cyclist's life in increased limb-removing, brain-damaging, life-threatening danger. It's not unlike someone in a busy crowd unsheathing a machete and waving it around nonchalantly.

    Mikey was right to have a polite word. Inaction against this arrogant, dangerous and anti-social behaviour doesn't get results.

    At the point where the buffoon came back for more, in that situation, I would have had trouble holding back. Fair play to our intrepid recumbent cyclist for that!
  • chuckcork
    chuckcork Posts: 1,471
    Mikey politely remonstrated with someone acting illegally and placing him in danger.

    The cops have given up, this was their response when a mate sent in footage of drivers on mobiles:

    Dear cyclist,

    In response to your e-mail about mobile phones the answer is we do prosecute motorists for driving whilst using them, either in special campaigns which we place in the public domain or on an on-going and continual basis as part of normal policing activity.

    I agree that the evidence currently would suggest society's addiction to their use supersedes their fear of apprehension.

    It is unlikely we would prosecute from u-tube video alone. The evidential trail is difficult and time consuming besides there are a high number of offenders on our roads every day who need catching.

    Thank you for your interest.

    Had Mikey reported just the mobile use the cops would have done bugger all.

    There's something badly wrong if they do nothing when they see this ape driver carrying on like a completely shitty bumclown.

    Saw a driver a few months back not only steer around the car in front to run a red (which got her a mere 30 metres down the road before the obvious queue of traffic) but in the process just about take out a pedestrian who was crossing on their green.

    The police response of my reporting car make, model, colour, number plate and description of driver with the time and date was the same, only more bureaucratic in that I would need to make a formal complain at a police station, and so would a second independent witness, before they would think of doing anything. Likewise they said there was so much dangerous driving about they couldn't possible investigate every (any?) incidence, which I take as being not all comforting!

    Moral of the story is you can do what you like as long as you don't get caught by a copper.
    'Twas Mulga Bill, from Eaglehawk, that caught the cycling craze....
  • greg66_tri_v2.0
    greg66_tri_v2.0 Posts: 7,172
    zn533 wrote:
    Drivers on mobiles are dangerous. They aren't paying full attention to manouevering a massive, heavy hunk steel at speed around more (or indeed equally) vulnerable road users.

    WVN here wasn't manoeuvring. He was stationary.
    zn533 wrote:
    In the case of a nearby cyclist, a driver on their phone is literally putting that cyclist's life in increased limb-removing, brain-damaging, life-threatening danger. It's not unlike someone in a busy crowd unsheathing a machete and waving it around nonchalantly.

    To borrow your style of prose, that is literally thought-removed, brain-damaged, mindless, wrongheaded crap. It's not unlike someone opening their mouth and a stream of sh!t pouring from it.

    Do you work for a tabloid?
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • Driving on a mobile impairs your ability to the same extent as being drunk.

    I think most of us would agree we'd report a drunk driver, or suggest, politely, he doesn't continue his illegal act, which is what Mikey did.

    The lights were about to change, mikey probably thought it pertinent to suggest the gentleman doesn't operate two tons of steel whilst he's concentrating on a conversation with someone he can't see.
  • Aguila
    Aguila Posts: 622
    Greg66 wrote:
    Aguila wrote:
    I've given up yelling, it does no good and might just get you seriously hurt.

    I just content myself with the thought that their life is massively shitter than mine.

    I wouldn't quite put it that way, as that seems to concede that your life is shoot, but I agree with the sentiment.

    Thanks for the concern Greg, my life is in fact awesome.