*-* The Macc Monster! *-* New Sportive! 100km - Sun 10th Oct

KidsCan Posts: 104
Hi everyone!

We Just, to let you know we have a cycle sportive which we hope you'll all be able to take part in!
The Macc Monster is a brand new cycle sportive on Sunday 10th October.

It's 100km with over 7000ft of climbing which I'm sure will interest many of you!

If you would like more information on KidsCan the link is here, but getting you all interested in the cycle is more important right now!
The website will be going live today for you to have a look around, but you can also view the tentative route on The Macc Monster Website! - Places are £25 and can be paid by PayPal

You can also follow The Macc Monster on Twitter by clicking this link!

Thanks again!


  • moolarb
    moolarb Posts: 83
    sounds good, route looks similar to the 3 shires sportive
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Damn! Misread it.

    Thought it meant a new burger, with xtra fries and thickshake...
  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    Hi Everyone,

    The route has been confirmed, so aside from last minute road works we're good to go!
    Unfortunately you will not be able to sign up on the day.

    So to avoid disappointment, sign up today!

    Many thanks,

  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Are you not planning to maybe have another choice, like a 100 mile option with 13,000ft of ascent? Macc Mega Monster would sounds good lol.
  • Mike67
    Mike67 Posts: 585
    7000ft sounds plenty enough to me :D

    Nothing stopping you going around twice Freehub :wink:

    Looks like a good route and not too far to travel for me at least.
    Proabably just about doable without feedstops, bearing in mind it's October but are you planning on having any Chris (Kidscan)
    Mike B

    Cannondale CAAD9
    Kinesis Pro 5 cross bike
    Lots of bits
  • dead sheep
    dead sheep Posts: 109
    What do the riders get for their £25?
  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    freehub wrote:
    Are you not planning to maybe have another choice, like a 100 mile option with 13,000ft of ascent? Macc Mega Monster would sounds good lol.

    Hi freehub!

    That's a pretty good idea to say the least!
    We'll have a word with our counterparts at Peak Cyclesport and see what they think!

    Great suggestion.
    Hope you can take part in the current monster!
  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    Mike67 wrote:
    7000ft sounds plenty enough to me :D

    Nothing stopping you going around twice Freehub :wink:

    Looks like a good route and not too far to travel for me at least.
    Proabably just about doable without feedstops, bearing in mind it's October but are you planning on having any Chris (Kidscan)

    Hi Mike,

    There will be feed stations - at least one! Can't have you all going round that without anything to keep you going.

    There will also be a sag wagon to pick up anyone who is beaten by the Monster!
    dead sheep wrote:
    What do the riders get for their £25?


    £25 is the registration fee.
    After researching the sportives, this was the fee we settled on.
    We are providing race numbers, sag wagon, feed station, race times (published after event), Event Photographer etc - hopefully everything you normally expect at a Sportive!

    I very much hope to see you there.
    Many thanks,

  • Brakeless
    Brakeless Posts: 865
    I think £25 for a 60mile ride with one feed stop is very expensive!
  • dead sheep wrote:
    What do the riders get for their £25?

    From the details listed on their website, VERY LITTLE!
  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    Hi Everyone,

    We would like you to know what to expect from The Macc Monster for your £25 registration fee.

    You can expect:
    - Numbers with cable ties to affix to your bike.
    - Event HQ inc toilets and parking
    - Energy bars for participants at start
    - Full route signposting
    - Dedicated Website with registration capacity – www.maccmonster.co.uk
    - Sag wagon
    - 1 Feedstation, with a good spread of food, energy products, hot and cold drinks
    - Full risk assessment and professional organisation.
    And most importantly,
    - The satisfaction that a substantial proportion of your entry fee goes to a very worthwhile and unique charity

    Hope to see you there!
    Please contact me for more information.

    Kind Regards,

  • I can't seem to register online - it seems like the website is corrupted or something ! I get as far as ticking the Ts & Cs box and nothing happens!!
    Has anyone else had this problem ?
  • 3Shires
    3Shires Posts: 27
    Brakeless wrote:
    I think £25 for a 60mile ride with one feed stop is very expensive!

    It works out a 67 miles and it's a case of quality rather than quantity!

    We've kept to the same format at the 3Shires that we ran earlier in the year. We're taking everything good from the 3Shires - quality of the feedstation, the spectacular and well-designed route - and making improvements to the areas we could have done better on - ie more visible signposting and recording of finishing times. The MaccMonster route is a stunner.

    The 3Shires was only £15 - many people commented on how good value it was even though we only spent less than £3 per rider - ie most of the entry fee went to charity. We plan to spend more for the MaccMonster - the £25 entry fee will offer similar value and raise a lot of money for a very worthwhile charity!
  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    Hi all,

    Some people have informed me that they are unable to register on the website.
    This may be down to the browser they are using, although I'm not sure why that should be a problem!

    It's also possible for you to request a registration form which I can e-mail out to you.
    Please contact me on chris@kidscan.org.uk to request a form.

    Many Thanks,

  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    We’d like to thank Eden Springs for their kind donation of bottles of water for the Macc Monster.
    We like to make sure you’re all fully hydrated so Eden Springs have come to the rescue!

    There’s still plenty of time to sign up for the Macc Monster so please visit www.MaccMonster.co.uk
    Or you can e-mail chris@kidscan.org.uk for a registration form!
  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    Hi Everyone!

    Still plenty of time to sign up to The Macc Monster!
    We’ve got cyclists coming from all over the UK to take part in this fantastic event which will raise vital funds for KidsCan Children’s Cancer Research Centre.

    For more information on KidsCan you can visit the website at www.kidscan.org.uk
    To sign up to The Macc Monster, please visit www.MaccMonster.co.uk

    Hope to see you there!
    Many thanks,

  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    Hi Everyone!

    Still plenty of time to sign up to The Macc Monster!
    We’ve got cyclists coming from all over the UK to take part in this fantastic event which will raise vital funds for KidsCan Children’s Cancer Research Centre.

    For more information on KidsCan you can visit the website at www.kidscan.org.uk
    To sign up to The Macc Monster, please visit www.MaccMonster.co.uk

    Hope to see you there!
    Many thanks,

  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    Hi Everyone,

    Brand new footage of a section of The Macc Monster route!

    Let me know what you think!

    There's still plenty of time to sign up so make sure you visit
    www.maccmonster.co.uk and register today!

    Many Thanks,

  • Andy from 3Shires / Macc Monster here.

    Thanks for all of your support, the event is filling quickly.

    Don't know whether the video of me in (a wet!) Macclesfield Forest has helped or hindered the marketing....
  • All the route info - GPX, TCX files, PDF of the route, event notes, the classified climbs etc are going onto the website today.

    But for those unable to wait, we've 8 classified climbs totalling 4400 ft and a further 3000 ft of climbs of less than 350ft.

    1) Kerridge 350ft - an easy start to the day
    2) Brickworks 580ft - first proper climb, selections forming!
    3) Windgather 675ft - stunning, unbroken views past the famous Windgather Rocks
    4) Goyt Valley 590ft - our favourite, this climb has everything
    5) Wild Boar 370ft - surprisingly difficult for such a short climb
    6) Bosley Cloud 555ft - through the trees, then hugging the escarpment to the summit
    7) Thorncliffe 540ft - a brute. Featureless and open, broken many a poor soul!
    8) Axe Edge 720ft - varied, limestone gorge to start, giving way to moorland and the (in)famous Cat and Fiddle PH

    See you on 10th!
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,083
    gutted I can't do this, but my mum has organised a charity ride for the local macmillan group & even in my late 30's can't say no :)
  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    News Update!

    Cycling Photographer, Rick Robson will be on hand to snap the 100+ participants in The Macc Monster!

    Rick used to race, and was even a Schoolboy 10 Champ in 1988!
    As far as photography goes, Rick trained as a portrait photographer whilst living in Australia and ended up taking photos for Cycling Australia (Cycle Sport Victoria)!

    He covered some reasonable size races in 2009 including the Herald Sun Tour in 2009 won by Bradley Wiggins and the Bendigo Madison on the track.

    He returned to the UK last December and he’s covered about 20 Sportives this year and had good coverage for them in Cycling Weekly and Cycling Active.

    So rest assured, he’s bound to capture your good side as you cycle past!

    There’s still time to sign up so please visit www.maccmonster.co.uk
  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    Just so you'll all know, there will be hot food for participants at the end of the ride supplied by DH Catering!

    You'll need it by the time you get back!
  • fred22
    fred22 Posts: 509
    Did any one do this? I considered it but its slightly further than my longest ride to date with plenty more ascending than I've done so i have earmarked it for 2011. Would be interested to hear how it went and to see the times of the finishers so i can gauge my current performance
  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    Yeah I did it. Well, 87 miles to be exact due to riding from home to and from the start/ finish, plus a slight detour adding several miles!

    The weather was fantastic, absolutely blue sky and terrific views, couldn't have asked for better. The route is great, keeping off the main roads as much as possible and using the network of fantastic lanes we have in this part of the world.

    Facilities at the start and end were fine and I guess the 'group start' made recording timings easier, but it did lead to many fustrated car drivers over the first several miles due to the 'peloton' winding its was through Bollington/ Kettleshume! Perhaps staggered starts would be a way round this, but obviously that makes timing slightly more difficult.

    The supplied numbers were on quite a big bit of 'card', with little piddly cable ties, which were not long enough to fit round many modern bike bars, stems, seat posts, frames etc. A simple number on a small laminated piece of flexible paper with suitable length ties would have been better.

    Signage wasn't great - Some hard to see unless you were concentrating fully, some folded over on themselves due to the wind (perhaps not sturdy enough for the wind up on top of the exposed hills?) and many missing (not the organisers faults, mainly the local 'youffs') This meant a number of us got navigationally challenged trying to head towards Rudyard and did a few extra miles, but more importantly we missed the only feed station. Other signs missing in Macc towards the end and many junctions not signed at all, the idea I guess being that you assume straight on!

    I think two feed stations would be a better idea for this length of ride (like the other LBS new sportive a month or two back). I don't know about others, but I go through liquids like they are going out of fashion on hilly courses like this and drank 3 litres of fluid. As we missed the only feedstation we stopped at a pub, bought a coke and topped our water bottles up there. Luckily I had enough energy bars/ fuel with me for the whole ride, but I must admit to getting a little worried about running out of fluids towards the end, starting to limit myself with what remained in my 2 x 750ml bottles. Remember that much of this course is in the 'wilds' away from any shops/ pubs etc.

    So all in all a great route, great ride, great weather and very enjoyable day out. Can't have much more fun that that with your lycra on for £25! All for a worthy cause too. My feedback above is for consideration for future events and did not overly detract from the experience.

  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    Hi PP,

    Glad you enjoyed it!
    Many thanks for your feedback!
    Pilot Pete wrote:
    The supplied numbers were on quite a big bit of 'card', with little piddly cable ties, which were not long enough to fit round many modern bike bars, stems, seat posts, frames etc. A simple number on a small laminated piece of flexible paper with suitable length ties would have been better.

    The numbers were on correx, but you're not the only person to say they were a bit bigger than you're used to.
    Next year we might go for laminated numbers instead like you suggest. It may be cheaper too!
    Signage wasn't great - Some hard to see unless you were concentrating fully, some folded over on themselves due to the wind (perhaps not sturdy enough for the wind up on top of the exposed hills?)
    I'm surprised you've said that PP as the signs were A2 and orange, however, due to the extremely windy conditions, I wouldn't be surprised if a few had moved. Putting them out was an experience!
    They were all cabled tied on at the top and bottom, but as you say this hasn't stopped some of the "youffs" from taking them down.

    The signs were up less than 24 hours before the ride so I'm very disappointed they were removed.
    So all in all a great route, great ride, great weather and very enjoyable day out. Can't have much more fun that that with your lycra on for £25! All for a worthy cause too. My feedback above is for consideration for future events and did not overly detract from the experience.

    Thank you very much fo those kind words PP. I'm really glad you had a great time. Your feedback is very much appreciated.
    Hopefully you'll notice the changes suggested by you and other wonderful supporters when we see you next year!
  • Pilot Pete wrote:


    Start @ mile 0.1 Finish @ mile 2.0 Distance 1.9 Elevation at start 450ft Elevation at finish 8000ft Vertical ascent 350ft An easy start to the day.

    Crikey...that's some climb!
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    Pilot Pete wrote:


    Start @ mile 0.1 Finish @ mile 2.0 Distance 1.9 Elevation at start 450ft Elevation at finish 8000ft Vertical ascent 350ft An easy start to the day.

    Crikey...that's some climb!

    Must be a typo Ben Nevis is only 4400ft
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    itboffin wrote:
    Pilot Pete wrote:


    Start @ mile 0.1 Finish @ mile 2.0 Distance 1.9 Elevation at start 450ft Elevation at finish 8000ft Vertical ascent 350ft An easy start to the day.

    Crikey...that's some climb!

    Must be a typo Ben Nevis is only 4400ft

    There was 7000ft of climbing in total!
    Thankfully not all in one hill!

    Hope to see you all there next year!