****spoiler****** missed eurosport coverage -youtube anyone?
Try ITV4 catch up. Highlight show will be on there somewhere.0
try cyclingtorrents.nl0
Rudd wrote:don't suppose anyone has a you tube link to the massive crash on todays stage that eurosport completely missed this afternoon????
The crashes weren't shown live or on the highlights programme on ITV4 last night. Pretty sure all networks get the same feed, so I don't know if the crashes were caught on camera...
On Twitter last night Armstrong tweeted he'd crashed - if Phil and Paul had seen that, no doubt we'd have heard about it, so again I don't think they were televisedThe most painful climb in Northern Ireland http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs200.snc1/6776_124247198694_548863694_2335754_8016178_n.jpg0 -
Itv 4 only show the highlights at night so most of the crashes are probably missed.0
thanks for all the responses.0