Injury Recovery Time?

MikeWW Posts: 723
edited July 2010 in Road beginners
Fell off the bike at the weekend and got a Type 4 ACJ disclocation. At the fracture clinic tomorrow and hopefully they will agree to operate this week and wire my shoulder back together. Has anyone got any experience of this and how long it will be before I'm riding again?



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    The next day. On the turbo.
  • MikeWW
    MikeWW Posts: 723
    NapoleonD wrote:
    The next day. On the turbo.

    Yes,doing that anyway, I meant proper riding
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Only you can say that mate, people heal at very different rates.
    Personally I'd give it about 6 weeks. I left it about that long when I smashed my leg and it was still bloody painful!
  • Chrissz
    Chrissz Posts: 727
    6 - 8 weeks from the date of the op. It depends on the Dr as well as the individual's healing times.

    I had to negotiate with my surgeon over my wrist - he wanted the cast on for 6 weeks - I said 3. We eventually compromised at 4 weeks so long as I promised not to get Mr Dremmel out :) Just over a week to go and I'm now trying to remember if I had my fingers crossed when I made my promise (got some new wheels & tyres) :)
  • oddlad
    oddlad Posts: 5
    Good luck MikeWW.

    I broke my pelvis a couple of weeks back whilst coming down a narrow lane off of Dartmoor (argument with a car), and have been advised between 6 and 12 weeks until I can cycle again.

    The consultant I saw said that it is very individual as to when I could get onto a bike, and this relates to any kind of break. Basically whenever I feel ready is when it is right, although the first few rides should be very, very light and easy, and not many bumps just in case!
  • MikeWW
    MikeWW Posts: 723
    Good luck guys
    I can cycle OK on the turbo one handed with my other arm strapped up-just desperate to get out on the road and be ready for the cyclocross season. More or less resigned to it being the end of my MTB season(was entered in the National Champs 2 weeks time)
    Anyway will see where I get to this week
  • I'm waiting for an op for a grade 3 ac dislocation. Been waiting since last May, had one op in Jan and see surgeon tomorrow(at last!) regarding reconstructive surgery. I heard Magnus Bakstedt talking about his recovery from AC dislocation, his work on the turbo whilst arm was strapped-up caused quite a few compensation problems from his upper body being twisted on the rollers/ turbo(from holding bars with only one hand).
  • Lancslad
    Lancslad Posts: 307
    I was at fracture clinic yesterday. go back in two weeks to see if it needs pinning (clavical in 3 pieces).

    good luck and speedy heaing
    Novice runner & novice cyclist
    Specialized Tricross
    Orbea (Enol I think)
  • MikeWW
    MikeWW Posts: 723
    Back from the clinic. First doctor wasn't a lot of help and neither was the first specialist. Wanted a second opinion and got a really helpful orthopedic specialist. Got an operation booked for a week on Thursday now to carry out this

    Looks like it may take longer than I hoped to recover but this should stabilise the joint far quicker than leaving it

    Good luck to the rest of you trying to work through injuries....its a real bummer isn't it