Actual Sportive elevation gain versus Garmin file

MrZ Posts: 55
i use a garmin forerunner 310xt GPS as my bike computer and have noticed that the recorded elevation gain is much less than the publicised level for a number of Sportives i have done.

Most recent example was Dartmoor Classic where it recorded 2200m versus the publicised approx 3400m

The Polka Dot challenge came out at 2100m and sure felt a lot more (havent been able to find the official quoted figure - anyone know?)

Does anyone have any advise as to why this may be and how to translate the file into an accurate elevation measurement?

On the plus side alot of my training rides may have included more climbing than i thought but would like to know an accurate figure nonetheless.



  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    GPS elevation is notoriously poor, and very inaccurate, you either need to get a GPS with a barometric altimeter, or run your GPS track(s) through an elevation correction program, Garmin Connect does this, as do some plugins for Sport tracks.