National Cyclo Sportive

I'd be interested in hearing from other riders who experienced the rather portentiously titled National Cyclo Sportive (previously known as the 'Pendle Pedal'. This was my first full blown sportive and first time i had cycled more than 80 miles since the early '90s. I rode with a group of around 12 from the local bike club and my training buddy, with whom I'd experienced snow, wind, ice and torrents since January. The weather and magnificent route made for a memorable day, with several killer climbs, notably Waddington and Tathan Fells, Trough of Bowland and Nick of Pendle. Most sensible folk would think themselves home and dry having scaled Nick of Pendle, but the evil Black Lane leading out of Sabden almost stuck a stick in the spokes of a 'dismount free' ride. A plaintif cry to the young blokes half my age sat at the bottom the of the aforesaid climb: Lie on the grass verge at the top of the climb, not the bottom; you nearly put me off my stride!

Looking forward to a new organiser taking over next year . . .
