Calling phil s

Tusher Posts: 2,762
edited July 2010 in Pro race
Hi there.
Could you tell me when Radio 5 Live is covering the Tour? (I don't have TV at the moment)
And will I need a digital radio?
Many thanks,


  • stagehopper
    stagehopper Posts: 1,593
    In the absence on phil s (who is in France I think) here's the details for you: ... 155366.stm
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Stagehopper, you're a gem and I'm a prat for not even thinking of checking the BBC site.

    Please accept this virtual chocolate cake with added smarties as a thankyou- the kids will never notice.

    So, between CW's twitter feeds, Radio 5, and the internet I might just make it through the next week or three.
  • phil s
    phil s Posts: 1,128
    Thanks for the question, Fiona, and to stagehopper for the even quicker response on my behalf.Peter Slater commentating until the first rest day, Simon Brotherton thereafter. Graham Jones, as always, is our summariser.
    I did an unofficial Twitter feed last year, which seemed pretty popular. This year I was asked to do an official one - it's I'll stick keep it a mix of updates and irreverent bits thrown in.
    -- Dirk Hofman Motorhomes --
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Phil, thankyou. Have a fantastic time in France and good luck with the programme. I've never listened to 5Live before, so you've got a new listener.
  • phil s
    phil s Posts: 1,128
    Ta, Fiona. Don't forget @5livecycling on Twitter.
    -- Dirk Hofman Motorhomes --
  • So, between CW's twitter feeds, Radio 5, and the internet I might just make it through the next week or three.[/quote]

    Tusher, if you have half-decent internet access you should be able to watch a live feed of the racing anyway without having a TV. Try for the best live links each day.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241

    If you're struggling for something to watch, can I suggest you buy this month's Cycle Sport (Cancellara on the cover). It's got a DVD with it completely devoted to your favourite stroppy Manxman's best wins.

    (You'll also me glad to know that, in an interview in The Times yesterday, he seems to have split up with the 'hussey' and will probably get back with his childhood sweetheart. I know how much angst this has caused you)
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    RichN95 wrote:

    If you're struggling for something to watch, can I suggest you buy this month's Cycle Sport (Cancellara on the cover). It's got a DVD with it completely devoted to your favourite stroppy Manxman's best wins.

    (You'll also me glad to know that, in an interview in The Times yesterday, he seems to have split up with the 'hussey' and will probably get back with his childhood sweetheart. I know how much angst this has caused you)

    He has? Wonderful. Who says he doesn't pay any attention to we daylight deprived internet people. At last, he's seen sense, and all my words of advice were not wasted on him.

    Alas, my internet connection is via an Etch-a-Sketch. Or rather, an Asus Eee. My 7 year old nephew has deemed it unbreakable (it's solid state and thus kiddie-proof) although the Rev Tusher is confident that, as an experienced killer of lap-tops and PCs, it's only a matter of time. I have hidden Cycle Sport's DVD in my knicker drawer, and intend to view it one cold wet afternoon when I have the house to myself and can curl up on the sofa with a cat and a box of Thornton's dark chocolates.