knee and elbow pads

lionheart29 Posts: 54
edited July 2010 in MTB buying advice
What are your recommendations in terms of the above i have been looking at the sixsixone evo's (d30) but they do cost abit any advice welcome


  • knee pads.. look no further than 661 Kyle Strait.... everyone raves about them and for good reason!

    Elbow pads i'm not so sure.. I have some chicken wings that i'd sell if you're interested..
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 4,909
    661 Kyle Straits for knee pads.

    Poc make good arm/elbow pads as do Race Face. The 661 equivelents aren't bad but they aren't the best so TBH, ignore them unless they are part of a suit which is not what you want
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    Fox Launch Pro's got rave reviews in US Mag, but about 45 quid...
  • slimboyjim
    slimboyjim Posts: 367
    I've got some POC's which are pretty comfy. I always thought it was better to spend a bit more and get something that is comfy and that fits well - otherwise I'd not wear them... Like anything you get what you pay for (although anything's better than nothing!)...
  • looked at the kyle straits very nice deffo on the maybe list,

    i agree with most of the time you get what you pay for and i dont mind paying more so i'm not smashed into a thousands bits ha ha..

    quick one on the d30's 661 evo, how long does it take from the foam becoming solid to normal again after impact ?? anyone know?
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 4,909
    I think its pretty instant, infact instant.

    I know a few people with the knee pads and really rate them
  • There's a reason why everyone raves about the D3O pads - they're awesome!
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    They seem great but I reckon the main benefit of D30 is in really flexible parts so not so useful in knee pads- you can have a highly protective, highly flexible knee pad with conventional materials, you just have to make it bulky which is no bother really. I'm not convinced the POC and 661 d30/vpd knee pads offer anything much over the far cheaper kyle straits.

    But for shorts and elbow pads it's pretty much unbeatable, I don't think anyone's managed to make a really good soft elbow pad without some form of custard armour. And I love my Bomber Evo shorts, once they're on they're forgotten but they still offer great protection despite being no more noticable than a pair of lycras. (tested them by falling at speed onto the hip that has bolts in several times :lol: )
    Uncompromising extremist