WANTED...Recommended rides in Alpes...France/Italy

AGuppy Posts: 44
edited July 2010 in Tour & expedition
Going out to France initially on 25th July for 3 weeks or so with the bike[and a van T5] ....looking for some recommended circuits involving some alpine climbs...eg Gavia/Motorilo,Glandon/Croix de Fer.
Anyone help?
Cheers Guppy :)


  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    If you haven't been before, you are going to want to do the classics (Telegraph, Galibier, the Alpe, Croix de Fer) but to do them as circuits will involve very long days or multi-day rides (depending on your fitness)

    If you base yourself in le Grand Bornand (West of Annecy), you can do a good day circuit including the cols of Colombiere and Aravis.

    Off the beaten track, I would strongly recommend the Vercors (between Grenoble and Valence) which is a rich combination of climbs, gorges, precipices and wilderness. Some of the roads can be a bit challenging, surface-wise, but it is beautiful.

    Your best bet for inspiration on this topic is Russell in France - he kens a'thing aboot it!

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • CumbrianMan
    CumbrianMan Posts: 240

    Assuming you use the following as bases, then here are a few ideas:-

    Bourg D'Oisans-
    * Alpe D'Huez and Col de Sarenne - could descend to Mizoen and come back via the Rocher d'Armentier (take a right in Freney - spectacular drop to your left!)
    * Les Deux Alpes
    * Lauteret and Galibier (cracking descent all the way back to Bourg)
    * Glandon & Croix de Fer
    * La Berarde (lovely ride up this valley to dead end. Well worth it)
    * Nice circular route - Col d'Ornon, down to Entraigues, along to Sievoz and turn right, up to Col de la morte, drop to Sechilienne, back along valley floor to Bourg. (Last bit is on busy road, so may be an idea to do it opposite way round).

    Bourg St Maurice-
    * Tignes, Val D'isere, Col de L'Iseran (2770m !)
    * La Rosiere, Col de Petit St Bernard
    * Cormet de Roselend, drop to Beaufort, left to Areches, over Col du Pre, back to BSM
    * La Plagne
    * Les Arcs 2000

    Not been to these places but in the vicinity of them:-

    * Col de Joux Verte
    * Avoriaz
    * Col de Joux Plane
    * Col de l'Encrenaz
    * Col de la Ramaz

    Bormio (Italy)-
    * Passo Umbrail
    * Passo Stelvio
    * Passo Mortirolo
    * Passo Foscagno and up to Livigno

    As Pneumatic says, look on Russells website for French Alps stuff (www.grenoblecycling.com), and for the Bormio stuff, look on Allan's website (http://www.bikeit.eclipse.co.uk/index.htm). Some great pics and info on both sites.
    "There are no hills, there is no wind, I feel no pain !"

    "A bad day on the bike is always better than a good day in the office !"
  • Just got back from Bormio Italy.
    Got some good advice off the members here on some good rides.
    Did the Passo di Stelvio on the first day,nice ride out of Bormio,but quite busy with with cars and motorbikes.
    Second day road from Bormio to Livigno over the Passo Foscagno,nice ride and great descent coming back into Bormio !
    Third day road up the Mortirolo,really enjoyed it lots of other riders very little traffic and then in the afternoon we went up the Gavia.The intial part of the Gavia I thought was beautiful great roads.Closer to the top the road deteriorates and there is quite a long dark tunnel.The first part of the descent is very poor due to the road surface but after a couple of miles it greatly improves.

    A great area for cycling !
    Hope that's of some use ?
  • AGuppy
    AGuppy Posts: 44
    Cheers for the info.....going to spend a few days with Craig [Veloventoux], know him for nearly 25 years so will do Ventoux again!!!.........just need to build up a bit more fitness, new bike ready to rock n roll.
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    edited July 2010
    If you are down Ventoux way, I would recommend the Montagne de Lure for a warm-up ride. It is a bit East of the Ventoux, but a really solid climb on empty roads, rewarded by some precipitous views of the mountains from the top. We didn't, but you can go over the back of it and make a circuit.

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • Lazarus
    Lazarus Posts: 1,426
    A punctured bicycle
    On a hillside desolate
    Will nature make a man of me yet ?