Tuscany- who done what where

Ciclicasati Posts: 740
edited July 2010 in Tour & expedition
Off to tuscany for a weeks cycling and am staying in Vinci, nr Empoli, West of Florence. I know the area as have been many times years ago but never with my cycling hat on. Has anyone covered roads in this area-know of any unmissbale climbs, routes etc. Am aiming in the region of 70-100miles a ride. Cheers.


  • andymiller
    andymiller Posts: 2,856
    The Lonely Planet guide to cycling in Italy.

    There are a couple of sites devoted to cycing in and around Florence and Sienna. Sorry but I don't have the links handy: try doing googling.

    Empoli is on a train line served by cycle-friendly treni regionali.
  • rhnb
    rhnb Posts: 324
    I've toured in Tuscany (and Umbria) a couple of times - 111/12 years ago - jeez time flies!
    I don't think you'll have any problems finding some good cycling. Think around Vinci there's Montelupo which is a good climb?. You could go out to somewhere like Volterra - nice climb up there.
    I wrote up the tours here - might give you some ideas around Siena, Castellina etc.


    Cheeers... Allan.
    Cycle tour reports and the home of \'Cycling Before Lycra\'