what spring for my rear shock

welshwaffle Posts: 17
edited June 2010 in MTB workshop & tech
i have a commencal supreme mini dh 2
the shock spring was a bit light for my ample frame!! the shock is a marcozzhi roco r with a 400x2/25" spring on at the momment am wanting to replace this with a heavier duty spring only problem is im clueless at the momment! im 6ft tall and 15.5 to 16 st in wieght what sort of size spring am i looking at needing? and willl most springs fit this shock? i dont have the manual and the information on the commencal website just confussed me! as i said im clueless on this one! i will be mainly rideing downhill and freeride on this bike so if anyone can help me with any information will be great
love rideing as it has taken over my life since i cant play rugby anymore currently own a boardman hardtail which i spend more cash on than my pick up!! am looking to get an all mountain or a freeride bike but am undecided as yet!


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    TFTuned to teh rescue!
    they have an online spring calculator

    hope that helps

    Oh, and if you're still confused, give TFTuned a call, they're incredibly helpful, and can spec the right spring for you, they usually ask a few questions like bike model, weight in all your gear, riding style, etc etc.