Bloody garage!

essex-commuter Posts: 2,188
edited June 2010 in Commuting chat
Went to put the bike away last night and my garage door has broken, don't know it it's the lock or the mechanism behind. Had to keep the bike indoors last night.

Locksmith wants £80 to open it, plus repairs and parts :-( Will have another look myself tonight but don't think I can do looks like I'll be forking out for a locksmith unless I can find a local scroat to do it for nothing...but I doubt he'll open it without wanting everything that's in it!



  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    Sounds a lot.

    I had to get locksmith out recently as lost house keys. Charge was £80 and that included the new lock he fitted as well as all other costs
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  • MonkeyMonster
    MonkeyMonster Posts: 4,629
    old skool garage lock of wire from handle going up to simple triangle piece of metal? Jimmy it with credit card should do the trick I suspect - or something more suitable than cc anyway...
    Le Cannon [98 Cannondale M400] [FCN: 8]
    The Mad Monkey [2013 Hoy 003] [FCN: 4]
  • essex-commuter
    essex-commuter Posts: 2,188
    Just got home and had another go...used a small crowbar, no damage , opened it 30 seconds :shock: Need to get a new barrel for the lock and then look at making the whole thing more secure. Car is parked up tight for now.

    £80 just to open it...and I done it in 30 seconds!
  • sc999cs
    sc999cs Posts: 596
    After having my garage broken into twice and bikes taken both times I'd recommend putting a padlock on the outside as well. You've already seen how easy they are to jemmy open.
    Steve C
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,218
    £80 just to open it...and I done it in 30 seconds!
    A prosperous career awaits :D
    Some garage doors are probably more difficult to open though.

    You can add a padlock like sc999cs suggests. Those garage defender things look good but are quite expensive. Someone determined could still use a tin opener to cut through the door if they wanted.
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    sc999cs wrote:
    After having my garage broken into twice and bikes taken both times I'd recommend putting a padlock on the outside as well. You've already seen how easy they are to jemmy open.

    Had similar happen to me, but the external secure lock was undone, but something went wrong with the handle - lock was OK - the connecting poles had come off - so top and bottom mechanism's were locked...... no way in.

    Managed to get in via breaking a tiny window (stained glass) in the side door, and poked a long pole in to release the bottom, as well as getting a tool in the top of the garage to hold the other shoot bolts open....two person job..... nightmare.....