help! i think i'm shrinking...

radiojaja Posts: 94
edited August 2010 in MTB general
either that, or as i get faster, i'm starting to realise the frame on my bike is too large?

its a large, and i am about 6'1". when i got it it was fine, very little stand over clearance, but i was quite comfortable on it

a year later, and several upgrades :D and i am getting fitter / faster etc. and starting to feel more and more like its a bit too big

its particuarly on tight turns and techy stuff - just feels unbalanced really, and i feel a bit stretched out

culminating in an endo down a scree slope this morning, when trying to hop from one rut to another the front ducked and dug in, throwing me over :oops:

bit spectacular and a 9/10 for artistic impression on the front roll out of the spill, but i am really starting to wonder if a smaller frame should be the next purchase?

does any of this sound sensible?

or am i just desperately trying to justify more bike bits!



  • biff55
    biff55 Posts: 1,404
    radiojaja wrote:
    its a large, and i am about 6'1". when i got it it was fine, very little stand over clearance, but i was quite comfortable on it

    ^thats the most important factor , being comfortable.

    culminating in an endo down a scree slope this morning, when trying to hop from one rut to another the front ducked and dug in, throwing me over :oops:

    ^thats your fault , not the bikes :wink:

    or am i just desperately trying to justify more bike bits!

    ^i dont try justifying anymore , welcome to bike addiction :D

  • radiojaja
    radiojaja Posts: 94
    ^thats your fault , not the bikes

    thats certainly true! :oops:
  • Torres
    Torres Posts: 1,266
    How is it that you feel unbalanced?
    If your weight feels to far forward try a shorter stem and have a play with the stack at the front (assuming you have spacers).
    You'd be surprised what a difference it can make.

    "or am i just desperately trying to justify more bike bits!"
    You don't need to justify anything :wink: just buy it...
    What We Achieve In Life, Echoes In Eternity
  • hi Torres, thanks for the reply, ive been away for a bit, so hope you dont think i was being ignorant!

    with any luck you'll see this answer, and maybe help me out some more..

    i do feel like weight is too far forward, and can certainly try a shorter stem, it was the first thing i thought of

    but there is also the fact i feel too high! its hards to explain :oops:

    its like im a bit perched on the bike? and not fully able to control it, at the speeds i now get up to

    i feel like it would be better if my centre of gravity was a bit lower i guess...

    does that make any sense?
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    so what is the bike and spec?
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • it a giant terrango (HT), with added bits (tora fork, new bar, seat, seat post, cranks, tyres etc)

    its a large frame, and i've got like an inch clearance with feet flat on the floor (if that!)

    i'm pretty sure the seat height is right - leg is pretty much fully extended on the down stroke. any more and my back hurts, and less means the knee hurts! under hard peddling i mean

    any ideas?

    i do wonder if i just need to keep practicing, its just it seems to be bothering me more the better / faster i get - straight lines are too bad! or straight line speed, but when i need to jump about / change lines / berms etc it feels like i'm clinging on and off balance really
  • popstar
    popstar Posts: 1,392
    I suppose you do low your seat down when going down?
    What could have been (Video)

    I'll choose not put too much stake into someone's opinion who is admittingly terrible though
  • yes! or hang off the back!

    its mostly xc stuff, so i dont bother all the time, to much faffing!
  • right, just been out for a quick blast! definitely helps loads having the seat down!

    feel much more in control, and feel confident going even faster - as usual had a little situation that normally (i would guess) would have resulted in a nice little endo, but i managed to save it and carry on

    but it definitely impacts on pedal efficiency, losing the 'roadie' type seat height makes things a lot more difficult up hill, and means its very easy for me to want to get out of the seat and honk it :oops:

    so the question is now, do i put up with a low seat for more control, or lose control but get more pedal efficiency? or just get used to going up and down with the height, depending on the conditions - i've always attempted to get one height and stick with it before now

    or is there something i'm missing? (which is likely!)

    thanks for any help anyone can give me
  • radiojaja wrote:
    so the question is now, do i put up with a low seat for more control, or lose control but get more pedal efficiency? or just get used to going up and down with the height, depending on the conditions - i've always attempted to get one height and stick with it before now

    Do you have quick release on your seat post? Makes life a lot easier.

    Personally, I ride with the seat low most times I go out on the Fury. If there's any huge long hills, I'll put it up before I start tackling it, but it's not too often. I like to be able to throw the bike about and having the seat right up annoys me, even for the littlest things, like if there's a bump to hop off. That's just my personal preference though.
  • cheers B o B!

    sounds like a good plan, at least for the meantime

    i was really surprised how much more control i had, so i'll persevere like this for a while and see whats what

    theres just so many hills round here! :shock:
  • Boy Lard
    Boy Lard Posts: 445
    I thought I was shrinking as well. I just had a hot shower when I got home and did a bit of 'fluffing' and my pride was restored.
  • popstar
    popstar Posts: 1,392
    Well, it does change a lot of things how do you set up your seat for particular terrain.This guy didn't lower his seat down and see how he's doing. I marked up my seat post for climbing (scratched optimum line) and if there is something funny then seat goes down! There are some certain seatpost droppers on the market which offer you -command lever- under seat or remote switch on your bars do adjust seat height on the go, but they are not cheap. The affordable option is Joplin3 on CRC or other one KSi900*.

    I would persevere with what you have for some time being.

    Pick'n'choose really.
    What could have been (Video)

    I'll choose not put too much stake into someone's opinion who is admittingly terrible though
  • popstar
    popstar Posts: 1,392
    Keeping seat too low on the long rides brings pain in my back and occasional cramps in legs, so for me it's a no no. It goes down only for fun stuff, however if miles have to be munched then seat goes all the way up!
    What could have been (Video)

    I'll choose not put too much stake into someone's opinion who is admittingly terrible though
  • thats a great bit of advice again thanks!

    as for the vid, that could be me every week! defo try it with the post lowered for the fun stuff

    thanks again