Riding with a knee support. Advice wanted.

Johnny Napalm
Johnny Napalm Posts: 1,458
edited July 2010 in MTB general

This year I have pushed myself harder, and I have seen a benefit in a few aspects. I am faster all-round, and I have finally improved my riding skills on descents/trails etc., which wasn't hard, believe me! :oops:

I'm not a superstar by any standards, and I'm probably still pants compared to most of you guys, but nevertheless some things appear to have finally sunk in and I understand how to ride faster on descents more than I have in previous years.

That said, this year I have had a couple of niggling injuries, which are now holding me back. I hurt my knee a few weeks' ago, and although it's not back to normal, it has got better. However, I'm still feeling the injury on any terrain that is rough/bumpy.

I have been considering trying a knee support to ease the discomfort while riding, and reduce the stress on the joint. I don't want to wear one constantly as I want to avoid my muscles etc. relying on the support all the time. Has anyone else tried something similar? I'm a little peeved that now I've finally learned to handle the bike better on descents, I'm struggling with an injury.

Or maybe, it's time that I accept the possibility that I need a full-suss! :?
SS Inbred
Mongoose Teocali Super


  • TowerRider
    TowerRider Posts: 430
    I wouldn't take advise from this forum as we havn't seen the injury. Go to a physio and ask.
    The reason I say this is that I had a cartlidge (bad) injury and played football with a support and also expensive brace and they didn't help. After my op I wore one for my first bike ride and it didn't help and made it worse for days after.
    Could be very wrong. If your injury is just a bruise or sprain then rest it or take the pain.
  • Johnny Napalm
    Johnny Napalm Posts: 1,458
    Yeah, I know what you mean.

    I had a cartlidge op last year and it's feeling similar to it did before I had the op. That said, my knee never bothered me before on the bike, just when running etc.

    I know it makes sense, and I suppose I'm just trying to avoid the possibility of another op and being off the bike for weeks again. However, I know it's not worth making the injury worse and ending up having to spend more time off the bike in the long run.

    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • TowerRider
    TowerRider Posts: 430
    Yeah, I know what you mean.

    I had a cartlidge op last year and it's feeling similar to it did before I had the op. That said, my knee never bothered me before on the bike, just when running etc.

    I know it makes sense, and I suppose I'm just trying to avoid the possibility of another op and being off the bike for weeks again. However, I know it's not worth making the injury worse and ending up having to spend more time off the bike in the long run.

    The problem I mentioned resulted in me eventually having an op which should have had me mobile after 3 months but after 7 months (no improvement) my consultant said it wasn't go to harm it and I really needed to build the muscle up in the gym and bike (not impact stuff) was best exercise. My op basically didn't work and I either stick with the clicking and odd sec locking (never happens on bike) or have another op and I presume they will do it properly this time and also remove scar tissue.
    You will know what feels best but rest is best to a point - not 7 months!
  • capoz77
    capoz77 Posts: 503
    how did you guys come to need knee ops in first place? bad injuries?

    Squats and Deadlifts at the gym with lightish weights, high reps, are good for lactic acid build up and tissue repair.
  • TowerRider
    TowerRider Posts: 430
    capoz77 wrote:
    how did you guys come to need knee ops in first place? bad injuries?

    Squats and Deadlifts at the gym with lightish weights, high reps, are good for lactic acid build up and tissue repair.

    Football about 12-15 years ago that then came back. Now have scar tissue causing problem so another op needed BUT knee causes no problem on bike now and do a few exercises in the gym to strenthen it. Since op I have had terrible back pain and it seems lack of exercise has made me weak all over ..............
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    The other thing is to get set up on your bike properly. Although you injured your knee off the bike, it is also possible that your position on the bike is contributing to your pain. You can either get set up by a specialist, but there are also an increasing number of sports therapists that have received some sort of training in bike set ups if you look around for them.
  • Red Route
    Red Route Posts: 59
    OK I know this is not a Doctors surgery, but I have been getting a weird pain in left knee on occasions in the last couple of months. Feels like it'en It's gonna click or give way. This only seems to happen when I'm on one particular Red Route (which is odd?) & not when I'm doing 30m rides in the Peaks? However I am aware of it not feeling quite right day to day. My own diagnosis is Cartlidge trouble?
    Played Football for years & never had any probs with my Knees. Was thinking of getting a Knee support too?

    *waits for go to Docs advice*
  • capoz77
    capoz77 Posts: 503
    knee supports similar to weight belts can have the opposite effect and weaken the tissues/muscles supporting the knee further as reliance on the support increases.
  • captainfly
    captainfly Posts: 1,001
    I've got moderate to late stage arthritis in both knees and found that 661 kyle straits do the job of light support and comprassion as well as protecting the join in accidents. I also do free running on sand dunes as I can't walk 10 yards on hard surfaces with huge pain (it's the impact), the best support for that I have found the mueller hg80 simply because it doesn't get too hot and sweaty being kevlar rather than neoprene and doesn't over support, still hurts plenty but the gauged imact and movement lubricates andbreaks up bone spurs, keeping movement. But that is just what I do and hasn't been reccomended by doctors but I do get told to keep doing what I do because I'm keeping it a bay.
    Mongoose Teocali
    Giant STP0

    Why are MTB economics; spend twice as much as you intended, but only half as much as you wish you could afford? :roll: