portable electricity.

MichaelW Posts: 2,164
edited June 2010 in Tour & expedition
This new-fanlged elastic trickery stuff, Ive been looking for a portable source for tent-lighting/cameras etc.
Maplin do a Chameleon solar charger for 4xAA with a USB-IN for rapid charging from a PC and a USB-OUT for recharging devices such as mobile phones.
I managed to recharge 4 high capacity AA within 2 days . This may be too slow for GPS use but OK for low use devices.
The problem with AA rechargeables is discharge. Ive ben using Hybrio batteries in my bike lights, these have very little discharge. The highest capacity are Annsman Max-E+ (from Tantronics).

I have to hack together a USB cable and a Nokia recharging cable to keep my old mobile charged. There are instructions on t'interweb.

I need a AA tent light eg LED lantern style. Any suggestions:
Coleman micropacker
Kampa Firely
any others?

All I need now is a USB output from my dynamo and Im set.


  • Wooliferkins
    Wooliferkins Posts: 2,060
    Busch & Muller E-werk sorry link wont stay at product page drop down menu on left. Or Tout Terrain Plug are fair options for charging on the go.
    Help I'm Being Oppressed
  • harpo
    harpo Posts: 173
    I just used a powermonkey for some charging when touring.

    I just used lithium high power aa batteries rather than rechargable ones (you can recharge them via usb in the power monkey). I found two AA batteries charged my Garmin 705 maybe 3 quarters or a little bit more. More than enough for a very long days cycling.

    It charged my ipod no problem and think it would have done so many times over on the same two AA batteries.

    It didn't work with my iPhone, it just didn't like the power.

    Suppose you could use a mix of recharges solar batteries and throw away lithium batteries.
  • andrew_s
    andrew_s Posts: 2,511
    Busch & Muller E-werk sorry link wont stay at product page drop down menu on left. Or Tout Terrain Plug are fair options for charging on the go.
    E-Werk link
    Expensive, but will give quite a lot more power than any other option (eg probably the only way of feeding a netbook, short of a several square foot solar panel which is equally as costly).

    Another option might be to use a B+M Ixon IQ front light plus a Ride&Charge.
    2 sets of 4xAA - 4 in the light charging, 4 split 2 for GPS, 2 for when the first pair run out. Best to run both GPS pairs to the GPS low battery warning so they are in a similar state when you put them back in the light for charging.
    You get to use the light as a light too (it's a good one).