Inline seatpost or not? (Pic included)

natf Posts: 12
edited July 2010 in MTB workshop & tech
Hey all,

I've been having some issues with my riding position and seat recently, so I have invested in a new Charge Spoon Ti seat and moved it forward so that my kneecap is directly over the pedeal axle when my foot is at 3 o'clock position.

To achieve this, I have had to move my seat to the position shown in the pic. Does this look OK or would I benefit from a setapost with less or even zero setback? I currently have a 20mm set back post.

Would I get more shock absorbtion from the rails if it where clamped more centrally etc?

Any advice is appreciated.





  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    It is a layback post. Thoough layback can vary.

    If you want to be further forward you need an inline post.
  • natf
    natf Posts: 12
    Yeah, the current one in the pic has 20mm of lay back, but I was wondering if something with only 10mm or maybe zero would be better?

    Does it look like with an inline post I'd have to mount my seat too far back? Kinda the opposite to how I have it now, if that makes sense?

  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,816
    Can't see a problem with that one at all, my Charge spoon (poverty cro-mo - you lucky git!) sits in a similar place.

    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    There is no problm with it mechanically, but maybe ergonomically. If you want to be further forward, get a new seatpost.

    It is up to you what feels best. If it feels ok, leave it.
  • could always turn the seatpost round so it lays forward to get an idea of feel
  • natf
    natf Posts: 12
    Thanks for the replies.

    One last question for you though. The clamp on the current seatpost sometimes slips, no matter how tight it is, so I am looking at buying a new one.

    So if my saddle in the pic is currently correct for comfort/ride postion, would you suggest buying another 20mm layback post or an inline etc?


  • paul.skibum
    paul.skibum Posts: 4,068
    If your current position as shown works for you and feels comfortable but you are going to buy a new seat post I'd get a zero layback as the clamp will then be central in the rails giving you the possibility of moving it forward later if you want to (and back). If you keep with a 20mm layback you will be at the back stops of the rails and have no prospect for further forward movement.
    Closet jockey wheel pimp whore.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    No, because if it is comfortable, why change it?
  • natf
    natf Posts: 12
    This is what I have been doing for the last week or so :D

    Inline post looks like it might be better, but current layback actually has my seat in a decent position :? So then I had the great idea of getting a 10mm layback post, best of both worlds. But finding one of those at a decent price, that doesn't weigh as much as a horse, is proving difficult :)

    I'll have to do some reseach on the Net at work today, instead of actually doing anything productive. :wink:

    Thanks again guys.

  • BG2000
    BG2000 Posts: 517
    If your seat clamp is slipping despite being tight, then you should change the post anyway (I don't know what model you've got, but cheap ones often slip when riding off road). If you buy something like a Thomson Elite, or RaceFace Atlas, then it won't slip.

    Bear in mind that if you do get an in-line post, and need to slide the saddle back, that will put more strain [leverage] on the clamp bolts, so make sure you do get a decent one.

    The best method of getting a comfortable, springy seat is to invest in a very decent saddle where the shell and rails flex nicely. Don't rely on it being slung back in the clamp to provide bounce. Also, high quality seatposts like Thomons Elites are designed to flex and absorb shock in a way that cheap alloy seatposts can't achieve.

    It's interesting that you're so concerned about your position in relation to your pedal axles. It's not always as simple as forcing your body to stick to one position. If you put your saddle in what should be the perfect position, based on theory, you could find yourself sliding off the back of the saddle on climbs. Basically, when the going gets tough, you'll soon find out what position your body wants to be in, and that won't necessarily be one where your knee is exactly above the pedal axle at 3:00 o'clock etc.. That rule is a rough guide that is more suited to road riding. It sounds like you're feeling too far back on the bike, and I'm guessing you also ride road bikes too, which put you further forward. It's not always easy to swap between the two types of bike.
  • natf
    natf Posts: 12
    I think the reason I seem to be preoccupied with my seating postions is that I've been uncomfortable on the bike for some time now. I had a fairly extended absence from biking and as I say, since coming back I have been suffereing numb hands and my arse is in tatters even after fairly flat 15mile xc rides :lol:

    Since moving to the postion specified on multiple forums etc, basically having my knee over the pedals at the 3 o'clock position, I have been much more comfortable.

    I think I may stick with a 20mm layback post, as I can't see myself needing to go any further forward and possible may go a little bit back if I start to scoot backwards on the seat during climbs etc.

    But I'll take it out for an extended blast this weekend and see how the bike fits.

    Thanks for all the help and advice though guys.

  • satanas
    satanas Posts: 1,303
    As long as the post holds the saddle securely in the right place, it shouldn't make that much difference what sort it is. Yes, some are a bit more flexible than others, but usually not by much, unless you use a particularly small diameter and lightweight post. Still, most posts these days are designed not to flex and often have stiffening ribs, even light weight posts, so weight alone is not necessarily any indication of flex. If you're really looking for a comfy post I'd suggest something like a Thudbuster, or Ti if you're concerned about the weight.

    BTW, it's worth trying Ergon grips for the hand problems IMO.