First time on bike this year.

spartacus74 Posts: 19
edited June 2010 in Commuting chat
Well finally i've had a break with the weather, nice and cloudy and I can breathe (something I sometimes struggle with due to hayfever). I got the bike out today to get it home only what would be a easy 20 - 25 min walk which I do most days.
However when I rode this journey today I couldn't believe how much it drained from me. Now I know i'm not exactly fit, but wasn't expecting that. I thought the walking would have helped.
Does it take long to get some decent bike fitness and any tips, or is it just get out as often as possible to get used to riding again?

I've got a couple of weeks of work next week and was hoping to use the time to get myself ready to cycle the 8miles each way to work and back, but i'm thinking i might struggle now :cry:

Any tips / words of encouragement would be much appreciated.


  • WesternWay
    WesternWay Posts: 564
    Cycle fitness seems to come and go very quickly indeed.

    A few rides out and you will be fighting fit again
  • jonny_trousers
    jonny_trousers Posts: 3,588
    If you have had the strength before then it will come back very quickly again, even though it might feel like a struggle at this early stage. Just take your time and build up your strength and endurance slowly by increasing distance/speed/time-in-the-saddle on a daily basis (do give yourself a day off every two or three days to allow muscle to repair itself) and you will be chewing up and spitting out those 8 miles in no time.

    I should just add that I have only been back riding again myself for about three or four months, but I have always trained and the principal is the same across all disciplines.

    PS. Your arse will thank you if buy a pair of padded shorts.
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493
    I notice an increase in effort if off the bike for a week or more - but normal effort levels are soon resumed.

    Just get out and about on your week off, and you should be fine for an 8 mile commute - providing it's not 8 miles up ventoux obv.
