SMIDSY moment

andrewc3142 Posts: 906
edited June 2010 in Commuting chat
Well, after 40 years riding on the road and with a decent mileage up to London, got knocked off first time this morning about 6.45 am. Only about 200 metres from home.

Turning right on a mini-roundabout at a T junction on a fairly quiet road. About 3/4 the way round it and a guy joins from the left and goes straight into me. Guy following him was great (even called me this evening to check I was OK - he's also a cyclist) and said there was nothing I could have done to avoid it. The driver claimed he didn't see me, I was probably hidden by his A pillar, although the car following saw me, no probs. Hmmm ... Bet he checks better in future. Clearly, clearly his fault.

To be fair to him he stopped and cooperated fully and was obviously shocked. Luckily, my next door neighbour was almost behind me and passing the other way was the Duty Serg from Woking police station on her way home. Not that I knew much of this until later, being out cold for about 5 mins.

Anyway, to A&E, CAT scan/xrays (all OK), 5 stiches to cuts around the eye, and a range of other grazes and bruises cleaned up and then home. Black eye looks like it's from the Beano!

Need to have the bike checked out by Condor this weekend to be sure the frame isn't bent, etc. and carbon front forks are sound.

At a cursory view, looks like rear wheel, rear shift mech, right STI and poss handlebars need changing. Plus my Oakley Half-Jackets.

Hope he is reasonable about paying for what he broke without any messing about. I think he will be.


  • Sorry to hear that, but at least you seem OK. Sure you'll know more about how you really are tomorrow morning. At least you had plenty of good witnesses.

    I can't really picture how the accident happened, did you see him approaching or did he come out of nowhere?
  • Don't accept money as settlement till you are sure you are ok. You could have hurt your back from the sounds of things. The symptoms may not show for a while.

    Backs can be buggers.
  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    As others have said, you have a claim for any injuries you've suffered. given you were out cold for 5 mins, I would be suprised if you do not have at least whiplash injuries
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  • WesternWay
    WesternWay Posts: 564

    Good luck.
  • Harry182
    Harry182 Posts: 1,170
    Hope you're feeling better and back on the bike soon.
  • itsbruce
    itsbruce Posts: 221
    Very glad to hear you seem to have come through OK. Take care with your recovery and pay close attention to any new aches and twinges; with forty years of riding behind you, you're going to be much fitter than the average but I've known people let that fool them into thinking they're indestructable.
  • andrewc3142
    andrewc3142 Posts: 906
    Thanks for the kind words.

    larfingravy: Twas a T-junction with a mini-roundabout. Looked R and nothing. Glanced left and nothing obvious. I got about 3/4 way round, on the far side of the white blob, about to leave the r/bout, which is all I remember. Apparently, the guy who hit me joined to go straight across the top of the T, but didn't notice me when he accelerated onto the r/bout. Not much one can do about that, really.

    Will keep an eye out for new aches and pains, although pretty much the whole of my right side hurt this morning!
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    40 years in London without any kind of off. That's a good record!
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • andrewc3142
    andrewc3142 Posts: 906
    40 years in London without any kind of off. That's a good record!

    Until yesterday. Would have preferred 50 years :roll:
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    40 years in London without any kind of off. That's a good record!

    Until yesterday :roll:

    Still, I barely manage 40 days without someone cutting me up, left hooking me etc... OK that's a bit of an exaggeration but I've been cycling around London for almost 4 years and I've most definitely been knocked off!
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • W1
    W1 Posts: 2,636
    Tough luck, but glad you seem OK. There's one similar junction on my commute but fortunately it's well sighted to the left, meaning you can see the SMIDSYs coming from a distance. Obviously that means they should be able to see you too, but the number of times people have just lauched onto the RTB in front of me is amazing!
  • londonbairn
    londonbairn Posts: 316
    Glad you are okay. I was hit last week on King's Road (2 accidents this year :shock: ) by a driver turning from the other side of the road who didn't bother to look for oncoming traffic, front end of the bike is more or less done.

    Luckily it was witnessed by a load of people, police attended and confirmed her fault 100%, and yesterday she admitted liability to insurance.

    Make sure you get a claim in etc - I just went straight to her insurance rather than mines, they have agreed to pay for damage to my bike, clothing etc etc
  • andrewc3142
    andrewc3142 Posts: 906
    Oh, I'll get my claim in. Don't want money for pain, mental anguish or any of that baloney, just my bike fixed back to how it was and a new pair of sunglasses.

    Called Condor today and will take in Saturday for them to give it a thorough check-over, including to ensure the frame isn't bent, and give a quote for what needs doing. I'll start by writing to him to ask him politely for a reimbursement on that basis. I expect that will be enough, but if not, direct to his insurance company or, ultimately, the small claims court.

    Obviously, I'll reserve judgement on the injury front, just in case something does become apparent.

    Left side of face still numb - hopefully that wil correct itself soon.

    Don't yet know what or any action the police will be taking against him.