Food for camping

BlackSpur Posts: 4,228
edited June 2010 in The Crudcatcher
I'm doing a DofE expedition this weekend Friday-Sunday, got all the kit sorted apart from food! Not really sure what to take - we will have gas stoves to take and ideally it should be very quick/easy to prepare. I'm thinking of 'add hot water' pasta/noodle packs for evening meals but any ideas for breakfast and lunch? It needs to be able to withstand the heat - set to be about 26 degrees :shock:
Unfortunately military ration packs are out, not sure why but it just sayd that in the 'rules'!
"Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling." ~James E. Starrs


  • Torres
    Torres Posts: 1,266
    I found the batchelors instand pastas pretty good, pasta carbonara was pretty tasty, and you cant go wrong with just pasta in tomato sauce. Couple of lads i went with had a bag with a slef heating element in them, just add cold water to the outer bag, reacts and warms the dinner; they we're tasty too, but jesus they were expensive.

    For breakfast i took something granola esque (big clusters are easyer to eat) and just had them dry , or take some instant porridge and make it with water.

    Lunch is always tricky... but i found tortiallas to fit nicely in a big rucksack, insidently paninis, naans and pitas have all worked equally as well. I filled them with a shachet of tune. John West branded, don't need refridgerating, in the canned food section at asda. Dried meat also works well too, sausages etc... or even squeezy cheese if you're in to that kinda thing :shock: ...
    What We Achieve In Life, Echoes In Eternity
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,787
    Well when i did my gold i took 3kgs of pasta for myself, 1kg each night, and yes i did eat it all :D some of those dolmio sauce packets, i think i had the ones with mince in because they had more good stuff in than the plain old tomato ones, took ryvitas for breakfasts and loads of pitta breads for lunch, just ended up eating lots of plain food seeing as sandwich fillings don't last too well in a rucksack in summer. oh and a lot of fruit, and salt, because salt is good

    while i was in africa we ate loads and loads of these, it's not military rations so its allowed and it's supprisingly nice to eat if you can find some before you go, easy to cook too ... ts_id=1034

    I think in our group about 60% of our bags were filled with food and the rest was tents and sleeping bags, although we needed it, we seemed to charge around everywhere at a stupid pace so we could spend ages sitting around on top of the mountains working on our tans :wink:
  • When I did my gold final exped we took tins of beans, a loaf of bread and a litre of vodka. Walking the next day with a stinking hangover was not fun. At all. You sound far more organised than I was!
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Plenty of squirrel in the woods. MTFU.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

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  • It's only M-ingTFU if you kill the squirrel with you bare hands though...

    And eat it raw. With the fur still on.
  • Thread8
    Thread8 Posts: 479
    Dont take too much just add water stuff, it makes you a bit "bunged up" if you get what Im saying :shock: :lol:
    Haro Thread 8
    Please help!

    "It's like parkour, on a bike"
  • Try and factor a village into your walk and get some fresh on route.
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    asda do some nice pot pasta's or instabt batchelors pasta and sauce whack in herta frankfurters, or packet rice and mix in tinned tuna is a good one too. I definately agree on instant porridge for brekky though, nice slow release food. Marks and sparks do a pot version too. Tinned stewing steak and tinned pots and veg are always a fave for me on camping trips but are quite weighty
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    am i missing something? surely the idea would be to live off the land? ala Bear Grilles? or is that something completly different?
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • campbells meatbals + rice.

    If you go camping without them.... its not camping!
  • Chaz.Harding
    Chaz.Harding Posts: 3,144
    I'd suggest staying well away from tins - they are too heavy, too bulky and the rubbish (the tin itself) is the same size as the full version...

    Boil-in-the-bag foods FTW!!! :D

    And supernoodles. If you can't be arsed to cook them-they make awesome replacement for crisps. Leave your mouth a bit dry though...

    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • asdfhjkl
    asdfhjkl Posts: 333
    Quakers instant oatmeal and Smash instant mash potato. Both take up hardly any space and are cooked by mixing them into a little bit of boiling water. Sachets of tuna work well too because you can eat them straight from the packet, no cooking needed. I can't remember the brand, but you get this cooked pasta in a green and white packet which you just heat up by boiling a couple of tablespoons of water and adding the pasta to it for a couple of minutes.

    Learn from my mistake - do not try Beanfeast dried bolognese. You'll, er... make heavy use of your trowel. :lol:
  • chris_sw
    chris_sw Posts: 100
    The main things I remember eating on DoE expeditions were tracker bars, pork pies, and pasta in the evening. One guy in our group thought it would be a good idea to bring all the water he would need for the whole trip with him, adding an extra 10kg to his pack! Luckily for him, someone informed him he was being a retard before we left :p
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    i always take bean feast and pasta and boil in the obvious rice too.

    ben speaks the truth reference meatballs, buti only take them when im not carrying them fom place to place.

    breakfast is always flapjack of some variety if i am carrying it or beans and bread if not.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    It's only M-ingTFU if you kill the squirrel with you bare hands though...

    And eat it raw. With the fur still on.
    Kill it? you mean eat it whilst it's still alive, surely?
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    It's only M-ingTFU if you kill the squirrel with you bare hands though...

    And eat it raw. With the fur still on.
    Kill it? you mean eat it whilst it's still alive, surely?
    There tends to be ladies present on a D of E thing, certain sacrifices must be made in order to maintain a gentlemanly decorum.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    yeah, like sacrificing a squirrel?
  • kaytronika
    kaytronika Posts: 580
    Friday to Sunday?

    I'd probably pack about 48 cans and a bottle of vodka.

    Depends if there's a local...

    '09 Carrera Fury
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  • IcarusGreen
    IcarusGreen Posts: 1,486
    Beef Jerky, bratwürste, schinkengriller, super noodles,
    + 1001 posts reset by the cruel cruel moderators!

    Giant Trance X4 (2010)
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  • BlackSpur
    BlackSpur Posts: 4,228
    I'm off out in a couple of hours, cheers for the suggestions! Ended up with a couple of dehydrated pasta/noodle things, a sachet of tomato risotto, a couple of tuna steaks in sachets, a pack of granola bar things as well as the usual biscuits and fruit etc.

    Weather over here is liable to hit 30 :shock:
    "Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling." ~James E. Starrs