Goooooood Morning Freaky People!

El Capitano
El Capitano Posts: 6,400
edited June 2010 in The Crudcatcher
Football's going home, its going home, its going home...

Welcome to day 3 of bike week and the 3rd different bike used for the commute. Today's bike of choice would be the awesome seXTC. You know, I actually prefer riding this bike to the NRS...

Meanwhile, back to the important stuff: I already have a coffee, I have a pie for 2nd breakfast and Englad suck at football.



  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    first i will be having a SATS maths mental test. need to get over 20/30 reallly. hen making pizza in FT and watching the england game in spanish
  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,010
    last day of work, then holiday.gotta make sure everything's done.

    pick phone up from repair centre.

    watch football, (several hours later)


    Today is going to be good :D
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,288
    at a branch this morning interviewing
    Back to HO soon & then the football!
    Cycling later, though legs still tight from w.end & running on Monday
  • kaytronika
    kaytronika Posts: 580
    I rode my 1994 GT 14 miles last night... At the 7th mile, as far away from home as I was going to be, the jockey wheel on the LX mech nearly fell off. :oops:
    '09 Carrera Fury
    '94 GT Timberline FS
    '89 Saracen Tufftrax
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    I'm gonna squeeze out in an hour for a cheeky new 15 miler i've been doing. It has to be done in an 1hr 15min or i'll be late for a consult and that ain't good.

    I have every confidence the England team will rediscover their bollocks, and not look like a bunch of pussy whipped penii who have stage fright, and string a performance together and win.
  • kaytronika
    kaytronika Posts: 580
    A local chav suggested that I might be a member of the local constabulary as I rode past last night, to which his friends greeted me with a hail of 'Eeeeehhhh Police!'

    Now I know there's talk of cut backs and cost saving, but I still have yet to see any local coppers riding around on prehistoric GTs with bright red floral(!) board shorts on instead of their usual modern hard tail (not sure what the Liverpool boys in blue ride), body armour, hitting sticks and cuffs.
    '09 Carrera Fury
    '94 GT Timberline FS
    '89 Saracen Tufftrax
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Football's going home, its going home, its going home...

    Quiet this morning because some people at work have actually taken a day's holiday so they can watch the telly :roll:

    Hopefully we will be able to push off later this afternoon. If I stop posting you'll know I've gone for a bike ride :wink:
  • stuart_c-2
    stuart_c-2 Posts: 805
    Morning all,

    Another lovely day outside, I swear if the weekend comes and at turns crap I’m going to D-lock someone.

    I think a few people are “working from home” today as the carpark seems a bit empty. The sooner we get kicked out this afternoon the better.

    Went out with the brother last night, while we were out he saw a mate of ours so went over to say hi, thought he’d do a 180 stoppy to show off. The result:


    Looking cool FAIL!

    We tried standing on it to straighten it out but no joy, so a long walk home for him.

    Doing a 10 mile TT on the mountain bike tonight. Our club does it once a year for a laugh. You’re not allowed to use slick tyres, so I’ve found the baldest knobbly’s I had and chucked them on.

    Is it 5 yet?
    "I ride to eat"
  • cat_with_no_tail
    cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,980
    Stuart_C - Meh, it'll buff out.

    Today is a free day off so we can watch the soccerball later on. So of course, I plan on doing anything BUT.

  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    Morning, Very warm in the bunker this morning.
    Feeling the effects of lasts night ride in both my legs and my ar$e (new saddle needed suggestions welcomed)
    was talking in th pub after about possibly switching from the single ring up front to one of these sets purely for those steep climbs that a 38T ring up front is just too much.
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • MacAndCheese
    MacAndCheese Posts: 1,944
    Stuart_C wrote:
    Morning all,
    Went out with the brother last night, while we were out he saw a mate of ours so went over to say hi, thought he’d do a 180 stoppy to show off. The result:

    Morning all,

    First off just like to say that SRAM 990 cassettes are poo, buy XT. Just bent the 3rd cog on mine last night - big accident? No. Stone hit it? No...just pedalling hard up a steep hill. ...luckily the metal is so soft I managed to bend it back, but seriously unimpressed considering only a month old - XT one going back on as soon as possible.

    Anyway today is looking up as my boss is a football fan, and whilst I couldn't care less, it should make for a slack afternoon.

    Finally I'm buying my first car tonight (i know i'm 26, but hey) 2003 Seat ibiza..not amazing but insurable and I know the chap that owns it and he drives like a saint and takes good care of things. So better than buying something cooler from a dodgey second-hand car salesman.
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    good cars, very reliable and depending on the model pretty fast, too high a centre of gravity but good.
    Stuart_C I can nay see the pictures at work? :cry: is it a bent wheel? :lol:
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • stuart_c-2
    stuart_c-2 Posts: 805
    VWsurfbum, aye. Rear wheel folded under him. We managed to take some of the buckle out by standing on it, but it's basically dead. Wanted ad appearing in the classified section soon.

    Cat With No Tail, the pic is after we "buffed it out".
    "I ride to eat"
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    Stuart_C wrote:
    Morning all,

    Another lovely day outside, I swear if the weekend comes and at turns crap I’m going to D-lock someone.

    I think a few people are “working from home” today as the carpark seems a bit empty. The sooner we get kicked out this afternoon the better.

    Went out with the brother last night, while we were out he saw a mate of ours so went over to say hi, thought he’d do a 180 stoppy to show off. The result:


    Looking cool FAIL!

    We tried standing on it to straighten it out but no joy, so a long walk home for him.

    Doing a 10 mile TT on the mountain bike tonight. Our club does it once a year for a laugh. You’re not allowed to use slick tyres, so I’ve found the baldest knobbly’s I had and chucked them on.

    Is it 5 yet?

    is that a v brake wheel? if so i have an old one lying around my shed as a stop gap if he wants to pay the postage? only a 7 speed cassette on it and no skewer but he can take them off that whhel yeah?

    let me know :D
  • RevellRider
    RevellRider Posts: 1,794
    Afternoon all. I shall not be watching the football and I shall not be riding today. Rode yesterday and on my way home from my brothers, found out that knees do not make good brakes on tarmac. Guess I shouldn't of taken my leg armour off at my brothers.
  • stuart_c-2
    stuart_c-2 Posts: 805
    welshkev, I shall pass the offer on. I think he may have a wheel laying around but I'll let him know anyway. Cheers.

    I think most people in our office are going into a conference room to watch the football, so I shall be all on my lonesome this afternoon. Should've planned ahead and taken some pictures of stuff I want to sell, that would've been my afternoon sorted.

    Lunch was a big dissapointment (boring sandwich) so the biccies are getting a pasting.
    "I ride to eat"
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Afternoon all.

    This morning was spent messing with computers. Upgraded the OS on the desktop last night, but apparently the upgrade won't work with my old graphics card, so I had to roll it back today. Installed Ubuntu on the new laptop, and got that set up, dual booting with Windows 7. Need to have a look for my network hub in a bit so that I can have them both connected to the network at the same time (We've never had any need for wireless, so don't have it. I'm also sorting everything out to be listed on eBay.

    Later, I may go for a run, having finally got some shoes I can run in without forcing me onto my heels, which obliterates every bone in my body.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    hello whoresmouthes

    today was a good day, taught some stuff, did some running and lifted some weights and am already smashing the first of my 5 portions of fruit a day in the form of delicious ice cold strongbow, without doubt the second best cider i have ever had.

    the first best (magic bus) will be getting consumed as soon as i have stopped sweating and have showered.
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    chillin, doing some testing For Nut Lub and revising... will prob watch Football too, if im bored.
    I like bikes and stuff
  • thekickingmule
    thekickingmule Posts: 7,957
    Afternoon everyone!
    I won't be watching the match later as I have a meeting at 3 for 45 mins, then I need to get home, to collect the car and get it to the garage for it's MOT before 5:30 :( :? This could be expensive.
    I hope the back pay I get in this months paycheck is a few hundred squids, otherwise I'm in serious financial trouble *gulps*
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
    Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
    Blender Cube AMS Pro
  • Tartanyak
    Tartanyak Posts: 1,538
    My plans for gym while footie's happening have been scuppered by a meeting at 4. Boooooo. Well, a conference call, but I can't do that from out the house... Or could I...
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Good morning, productive day so far at 11pm, got up, rode most of the Monkey/FTD combo til my mates knee went completely then had to shortcut back, home watched the footy, then went to work, bonus too the last train to Hednesford terminates at Walsall tonight due to engineering so ill be home an hour early. Everything has come up Gaz today!!
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt