trail sights

sparrowlegs78 Posts: 2,583
edited June 2010 in MTB general
Whats the daftest thing you've seen actually on the trail when out for a ride?
Yesterday I was riding the local man mande trails and I got to a wooden north shore bit only to nearly ride over an old couple having a picnic with blankets and the lot right on the top on it ! :lol:...should've seem em shift, didn't think a couple of pensioners could get up so fast :lol:
I was too gobsmacked to say anything, so I just squeaked "thanks" at them and rode off.......I don't think they'll sit on a mountain bike trail so quick next time :lol:
Caz xx


  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
  • Kiblams
    Kiblams Posts: 2,423
    .blitz that's fantastic! :lol: The mind boggles as to the circumstances around that one :shock:
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    edited June 2010
    My thoughts exactly :)

    "A miracle! I can walk!"
  • sparrowlegs78
    sparrowlegs78 Posts: 2,583
    *snort* crutches are random right enough :lol:
    Caz xx
  • xCatch22x
    xCatch22x Posts: 36
    A little off topic here with this one.

    I went riding with my BIL around derwent and as we hit the last fire trail before the car park a young lass was running in the opposite direction. Quite nice she was too.

    Anyway, about 5 seconds later a rabbit ran across the path to which I said " did you just see that bunny rabbit" (probably a childish way to describe it), to which my BIL replied "Yeah, she was well fit!"

    It had me in stitches for ages.

  • cat_with_no_tail
    cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,981
    Nothing too unusual round here.

    I did once see a seagul kill a duckling if that counts. Got it by the neck and shook it from side to side.

    Seaguls are cnuts.
  • P-Jay
    P-Jay Posts: 1,478
    There's an old Ford Granada on Skyline (at Afan) that must have been helidroped in,

    Other than than lots of windowlickers (or so to be windowlickers) at Cannock a few weeks back riding around withouth helmets, but oddly lots wearing wooly beany hats WTF! It was 25c and you're riding, your head's not going to freeze and perhaps, I don't know, keep it warmer with something that could save your life.
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    P-Jay wrote:
    Other than than lots of windowlickers (or so to be windowlickers) at Cannock a few weeks back riding around withouth helmets
    Cannock certainly attracts all sorts :)

    Last Saturday I had to stop at the start of Tacks Blast while a bloke in an electric wheelchair reversed back up the trail. He and his mrs had been looking for the wheelchair trail around the back of Marquis Drive, which was marked on the map he had in RED ink. Somehow he had got it confused with the RED MTB trail :wink:
  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,478
    .blitz wrote:

    My theory on this one is (far fetched);
    1. some young hooligan stole the crutches, pretended to hobble up the trail, then proceeded to feign injury and falling too far from crutches.

    2. Concerned cyclist on expensive shiny bike stops to help and gets whacked...

    3. hooligan rides off leaving stolen crutches.
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • Kiblams
    Kiblams Posts: 2,423
    Is no one else concerned that there is the corpse of a crippled invisible man impaled on that barbed wire fence? :shock:
  • sparrowlegs78
    sparrowlegs78 Posts: 2,583
    It's classicly random, it'll take some beating with that piccie :D
    Caz xx
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I haven't seen a nything particularly odd on the trails, apart from a squirrel that was sat at the side of the road and jumped at my front wheel when i went past - it bounced off the spokes and scuttered off back to the undergrowth.

    BUT, i did hear a very (ahem) suspicious noise coiming from a field next to a country lane once. and as i got closer, there were the panicked loud whisperings of a man and a woman, It appears I'd disturbed whatever "activity" they were up to :lol:
  • Hyufsko
    Hyufsko Posts: 37
    I seen a guy take a frog out of his pocket. Obviously he found it and decided to keep it lol.

    Specialized FSRxc Comp '10
  • fletch8928
    fletch8928 Posts: 794
    A old wrinkly man with leathery tanned skin running. It took until he was really close to realise he wasn't nekid but was wearing something.

    Oh and a scarecrow in the middle of the moor.
    fly like a mouse, run like a cushion be the small bookcase!
  • I think a benefits cheat/dole scrounger had just heard the news over his mobile phone radio that the Tories were back in power, he's off down the job centre quick sharp.

  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Steamy car windows, couple at it, S.Wales.

    Growled at by unknown animal in bushes, Zakynthos, Greece.

    Bear being air lifted off Blackcombe Mtn, Whistler.

    Stag, deer and bambis, Wyre Forest, Midlands.

    Beaver in creek, Bald Eagle in sky, deer in car park, Alberta, Canada.

    Stoats, hawks, kites, buzzards, herons, dead snake, Very low flying planes, squirrels,
    North Wales.

    Deer, Scotland and Essex.

    Oli Beckinsale, Zak Toogood, my house.
  • TowerRider
    TowerRider Posts: 430
    I add a wooden 'sculpture' made from mdf loft boards. Why are farmers so untidy and hoarders? No building nearby and probably years old.

    Think there is a picture mo.
  • GHill
    GHill Posts: 2,402
    I once came round a corner to find a wild turkey. It was dumb enough to keep running down the trail, in the direction I was going... Eventually flew away though.

    Also came across three walkers who asked me "have you seen a cat?" Thought they were taking the mick at first, but apparently they'd taken their cat for a walk, without a lead. On a mountain. A mountain that has cougars, bears and moose. Heck, it even has people taking dogs for a walk. :roll:
  • chedabob
    chedabob Posts: 1,133
    GHill wrote:
    Also came across three walkers who asked me "have you seen a cat?" Thought they were taking the mick at first, but apparently they'd taken their cat for a walk, without a lead. On a mountain. A mountain that has cougars, bears and moose. Heck, it even has people taking dogs for a walk. :roll:

    Haha that's absolutely brilliant. Just the idea of someone taking their cat for a walk off the lead is killing me :lol:
  • Thread8
    Thread8 Posts: 479
    chedabob wrote:
    GHill wrote:
    Also came across three walkers who asked me "have you seen a cat?" Thought they were taking the mick at first, but apparently they'd taken their cat for a walk, without a lead. On a mountain. A mountain that has cougars, bears and moose. Heck, it even has people taking dogs for a walk. :roll:

    Haha that's absolutely brilliant. Just the idea of someone taking their cat for a walk off the lead is killing me :lol:

    Just the idea of walking a cat is pretty funny IMO :lol:
    Haro Thread 8
    Please help!

    "It's like parkour, on a bike"
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I was once enjoying my dinner by the seaside, when a rather "unconventional looking" old man walked by, far too close for comfort. I looked up ready to say something, when I noticed he was walking a cat on a lead, so I just turned back to my sandwich and tried to not laugh :lol: