2011 Tour Route

hangeron Posts: 127
edited June 2010 in Pro race
When will the full route for 2011 Tour be published? The start in the Vendee is publicised on the official site, but no details on remainder of the route. Presumably they release the rest of the route sometime next month?



  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    back end of October for the start / finish details, then May 2011 for the precise route.
  • doddy178
    doddy178 Posts: 66
    The route anouncement is usually the Wednesday after Paris-Tours, and before Giro di Lombardia.
  • hangeron
    hangeron Posts: 127
    Thanks lads.

    I've just booked a cottage in the middle of Brittany for a fortnight next July...I'm hoping I've played a blinder.

    Knowing my luck though..........