Glad I opted to go out on the bike rather than open a lager!

Oxygen Thief
Oxygen Thief Posts: 649
edited June 2010 in MTB general
Was going to crack open the cans early but thought nah I'll go out for an hour or so on the bike...

Just went down Jesmond Dene (for anyone that knows the Newcastle area). There's a few tracks been made down there etc and it's quite enjoyable, find something new every time I go down there. Anyway, been riding about 2months now and was thinking it's enjoyable and all that but I aint really improving, still too cautious etc etc. Hence me not going out on the bike apart from riding to work last week at all. Found a piece of flat grassy area down there and thought lets give this bunny hopping another go then, because was failing miserably last time. Nailed it! :D Don't get me wrong, not bunny hopping over no walls or anything but over sticks and stuff and on the way back up on to the pavement at end of the street. Was well happy. That put me in a mint mood then and was flat out all over the place, laying off the brakes more than ever before and just enjoying it and thinking I can do this instead of what if I fall. Whereas before I was thinking shit that root looks dodgy, now I was just pulling the front wheel up and over it and carrying on. I felt like I was in control if you like. I've just got back and I'm buzzing my tits off (excuse the expression!)

Just thought I'd mention it 'coz I kinda enjoyed myself. :lol: Well happy!!!! :D

And to top it off look what I found down there, nice secluded bit with jumps, (not that I'll be using it, just yet!), the pics don't do it justice, but still..... and now I'll open a can :)


  • chedabob
    chedabob Posts: 1,133


    Nice jumps. There's some like that around Lancaster. I don't jump them properly yet, but I still like to ride up and over them. It's good practice for making sure you get your pedals in the right place for when you're out on the trail. Sometimes I like to get a bit of a run up, just enough so that I can feel the bike lift off slightly, but not enough to clear the jump. Leaves me grinning like an idiot :lol:
  • Oxygen Thief
    Oxygen Thief Posts: 649
    Cheers for that mate. I'm meant to be good with computers, god knows what I was doing!!!! Haha.

    Yeah I rode over them, but that was enough for today! Haha, Give it a few months yet I think!
  • cat_with_no_tail
    cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,981
    Same thing here. Just got back from an evening ride Iwasn't sure I could be bothered with.

    SO glad I did!

    There is a little path I know of, the entrance is so massively overgrown you really have to know where it is or you'd never find it, I've never seen any evidence of anyone else ever using it.

    I've not ridden it since about this time last year because it was so boggy it was just impossible.

    Figured after all this dry weather, I'd give it another bash today. It's completely changed.

    The first bit is really narrow, twisty, fast singletrack. This then opens up onto one of the biggest boardwalk sections I've ever come across in my entire life. It must be a mile from one end to the other,twisting and turning through this swampy bit, but with loads of little step-up and step-downs built in, and some elevation changes and stuff too.

    What a great end to the day!

    It looks to me like it's been built for walkers, but built by a MTBer, if you know what I mean
  • Oxygen Thief
    Oxygen Thief Posts: 649
    It looks to me like it's been built for walkers, but built by a MTBer, if you know what I mean

    Haha, I like it. Mint when a plan comes together aint it.