Good ride despite stupidity

Boy Lard
Boy Lard Posts: 445
edited June 2010 in MTB general
Today I took my new bike out (Trek 6000). I took a tricky little path down by the river, missed timed a hop over a root in the path and came within inches of landing in said river, (balanced with 1 leg either side of the trre which the root belonged to). I then went to practice bunny hops and have managed to sprain my wrist.

So pootling back home with a very painful knee (I've decided I'm too fat for running as of yet) and wrist (stupid bunnies), I paused for a breather, and three deer stopped just up the path from me. I was a bit slow getting my phone out to get a picture, but it made the ride for me.

Happy days.


  • Tom Barton
    Tom Barton Posts: 516
    Hehe - amazing the things that can make memorable an otherwise bad ride. I'm pretty certain there's still a deer somewhere in afan that still has nightmares of me nearly flattening it on penhydd - must have been downwind of it on a blustery day as I entered a section at high speed riding through the stile and right round the first corner and I had to drop the anchors to not hit it - suffice to say it pretty quickly knew I was there by this point and it didn't hang around, amazingly fast through the trees!!

    See lots of birds of prey - the red kites are amazing if you catch them swooping through the trees. And I once saw a fox with a couple of adolesant cubs with her once crossing a trail at brechfa. Stuff I'd probably never see if it wasn't for being addicted to riding a bike!!