RPCC - 19 / 20 June

Thought I'd get this started for the weekend which looks like good weather (sunny with little fluffy clouds according to the BBC...)

A number of the regulars can't make it (good luck with the Fray Bentos Bern and enjoy France Steve) but should be a few of us around.

Saturday is looking best for me and will probably do a fairly standard route of about 70 miles through the Surrey Hills. Keen to get out early so suggest meeting at Richmond Gate at 8 a.m.

As always the rules stay the same after 18 months:

ø Anyone is welcome to attend

ø Will average somewhere between 16-18 mph

ø No one gets dropped and we'll regroup at the top of hills

ø We'll find a tea and cake stop (most likely Box Hill)


  • Esoteric80
    Esoteric80 Posts: 84
    Thanks Will,

    Yes should make it this Sat. 8am sound good.
  • Esoteric80
    Esoteric80 Posts: 84
    Anyone fancy doing the Smithfield Nocturne after? http://www.nocturneseries.com/smithfield/
  • Fuji Mackers
    Fuji Mackers Posts: 122
    I may join you guys tomorrow. I've spotted you both have been posting some very quick box hill times so looking forward to a good ride.
  • gbs
    gbs Posts: 450
    In anticipation I will fit la lanterne rouge this evening.
    vintage newbie, spinning away
  • thebongolian
    thebongolian Posts: 333
    James - yeah, planning to go to the Nocturne in the evening - guess we can make plans tomorrow
  • gbs
    gbs Posts: 450
    2030: supper guests not yet arived so will I get to bed before 0100?. If I am not there at 0800 do not wait.
    vintage newbie, spinning away
  • thebongolian
    thebongolian Posts: 333
    Good ride this weekend though sorry the pace was too high for you Geoffrey - Brian, James and I seemed to be on for a quick one and are similarly paced enough to egg up the pace. Hope you were able to get a good ride and do come out again as it's not always so quick.

    This coming weekend looks odds-on to be good weather so have got a new thread up already:


    There's also been quite a bit of talk about doing a Capital-Coast-Capital ride so I've set up a post to try and identify I date to do one over the summer as well

  • gbs
    gbs Posts: 450
    Good to see you all last Saturday albeit briefly. No, it wasn't that the pace was too high bit I could feel that my legs would not be up to a hilly ride that morning. Here are my excuses in order of importance:
    1. too much good wine previous evening
    2. late to bed - 0145 to be precise

    As it happened, after a second breakfast in Cobham, I joined up with SWRC on a loop to Seale - super tea room and v trendy new bike shop (Windymilla) in an old stable yard. B group run, about 90 k at a rolling average of 30+kph, fairly flat, no major climbs, just over 920 m vertical for the the day.

    I will do the FNRttC this weekend so do not expect me on Saturday but CtoCtoC sounds tempting if you route the return with rail bailout options!

    vintage newbie, spinning away