Great Western Sportive... any takers?

Stuntman Posts: 267
Hi Bikers

Anyone got this on their calendar for this Sunday? I have just entered it and wondered if anyone else has done it before?

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  • Brakeless
    Brakeless Posts: 865
    I'll be there. This is the first year for this particular route. I've done other events by the same people and they've always been really well run.
  • hitthewall
    hitthewall Posts: 114
    It follows a similar route to last years event that started near Wantage. Some good rolling countryside with some hills. A little more climbing than the Magnifact80 I did Saturday I think.

    Assuming the course runs anti-clockwise as it did last year, watch out for the hill out of Ogborne St George at 16%. Its fairly early on this year but arrived farther into the event last year. I made it up but it was hard. Also the 10% hill back over the Lambourn Downs towards the end of the course.
  • hitthewall
    hitthewall Posts: 114
    ....and by the way, I'll be doing the mid-route.
  • Stuntman
    Stuntman Posts: 267
    Excellent, yeah I decided to add myself in for another torture day. i'll be in for the long one.

    I am cycling from Land's End to John O'Groats in July with two mates so am trying to get some miles in my legs.

    I'll watch out for those hills, cheers! And I'll be the newbie with a Wilier Mortirolo in a little red KA, give me a shout if you see me so I can say hi.
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  • jrduquemin
    jrduquemin Posts: 791
    I'm doing the long distance also... I'm training for the 156 mile Flatout in the Fens the weekend after....
    2010 Lynskey R230
    2013 Yeti SB66
  • Stuntman
    Stuntman Posts: 267
    That's pretty mental. 156! do you have a previous time to beat or your first time doing it?
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  • jrduquemin
    jrduquemin Posts: 791
    Stuntman wrote:
    That's pretty mental. 156! do you have a previous time to beat or your first time doing it?

    First time :-)

    what can I say, I'm a glutton for punishment :-D
    2010 Lynskey R230
    2013 Yeti SB66
  • Nope.

    It's basically the Wantage sportive except:

    a) it's moved to a more inconvenient date (a week after the Magnificat which followed the Dragon. I don't fancy three Sportives in a row!)
    b) It's moved to Swindon from Wantage
    c) It now costs £8 more than when it was Wantage.

    Shame, I enjoyed it last year as it was on my doorstep, even though it was roads I ride all the time. July was perfect too.

    Ah well.
  • Stuntman
    Stuntman Posts: 267
    jrduquemin wrote:
    Stuntman wrote:
    That's pretty mental. 156! do you have a previous time to beat or your first time doing it?

    First time :-)

    what can I say, I'm a glutton for punishment :-D

    But not your first sportive?

    I did magnificat 127 on Sunday as my initiation in to sportives and by yesterday lunchtime I was wanting to do another one! Hope this addiction doesn't continue, hoping that two within a week should get me my fix for a while.
    Specialized Epic
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  • Stuntman
    Stuntman Posts: 267

    It's basically the Wantage sportive except:

    a) it's moved to a more inconvenient date (a week after the Magnificat which followed the Dragon. I don't fancy three Sportives in a row!)
    b) It's moved to Swindon from Wantage
    c) It now costs £8 more than when it was Wantage.

    Shame, I enjoyed it last year as it was on my doorstep, even though it was roads I ride all the time. July was perfect too.

    Ah well.

    That's a shame then, I am from reading so Wantage would've been closer.

    I didn't hear about the Dragon until it was too late to enter and a friend invited me to join him at the Magnificat.
    Specialized Epic
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  • jrduquemin
    jrduquemin Posts: 791
    Stuntman wrote:
    jrduquemin wrote:
    Stuntman wrote:
    That's pretty mental. 156! do you have a previous time to beat or your first time doing it?

    First time :-)

    what can I say, I'm a glutton for punishment :-D

    But not your first sportive?

    I did magnificat 127 on Sunday as my initiation in to sportives and by yesterday lunchtime I was wanting to do another one! Hope this addiction doesn't continue, hoping that two within a week should get me my fix for a while.

    No, it's not my first sportive. I did the Southern sportive in Duncton a few weeks ago and did a couple of them last year too....
    2010 Lynskey R230
    2013 Yeti SB66
  • Stuntman
    Stuntman Posts: 267
    That's okay then, thought you were choosing 156 miles for the first ride... then I realised you said you were riding this weekend so that wouldn't be your first sportive anyway. Ignore me and my coffee fueled afternoon. :)
    Specialized Epic
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  • batch78
    batch78 Posts: 1,320
    I'll be there. Long route.

    Early start though, I'm driving from Guildford so probably won't notice anybody till I've woken up around midday.

    Look out for the erratic man on the Boardman! :?
  • Brewsterwmb
    Brewsterwmb Posts: 145
    batch78 - can I park my bike there please? :wink:

    Last sportive before the La Marmotte, so looking forward to a flat sportive before that one!

    Done a few SS events before and always found to be best signage and food stops to be found at any UK events. Lets hope that continues along with the sunshine on Sunday
    “Look where you want to go. Not where you are going”
  • Brakeless
    Brakeless Posts: 865
    batch78 wrote:
    I'll be there. Long route.

    Look out for the erratic man on the Boardman! :?

    There's a few of them on most sportives! :wink:
  • Stuntman
    Stuntman Posts: 267
    Sounds like it's a good event that I've got myself registered for. Was out with a couple of mates tonight and did 30 miles hilly to make sure the legs are still good from last Sunday.

    Looking forward to this Sunday now, managed to rope along a 16 year old xc mate who's in need of more training.
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  • hitthewall
    hitthewall Posts: 114
    Stuntman, I saw a red Ka in the carpark but didnt see you....

    Good ride today. Did the mid-route and got hitched up with 4 other guys and we worked for close to 2/3rds of the course which really helped but broke up at the last feed station 15 miles from home. Got in around 4 hrs 50 min.

    Fantastic scenery, some toughish climbs and a strong northerly wind. On the whole, harder I think than the Magnificat80 last Sunday.
  • Brakeless
    Brakeless Posts: 865
    Excellent Event. Really good route with faultless signage. Did the 105m in just under 5.50. I rode with about 3 different groups and all were really friendly.
  • Stuntman
    Stuntman Posts: 267
    I think I was the only one with a KA, so probably me. It was a tough wind on the course. I think they do that on purpose.

    I got round in 5hr55, and the last few hills caught me out a bit as I was low on energy.

    I rode with a mate, and we caught a few people and worked with them. It was a great friendly bunch and there was a guy on a Boardman with Carbone's who we dropped on a hill, then he caught us up, we all ended working together to bring home a faster time.

    I'll leave it a while tile my next sportive as got a couple of triathlons in the next two weeks, then it's Lands End to John O'Groats mid July.
    Hoping to do the Woodcote sportive in August.

    The route was great, rolling hills, steep hills and some great descents! No punctures and only a few water stops. Very well marked out! I liked the ribbon on bushes just after junctions so you knew you were on the right route.
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  • AlainR
    AlainR Posts: 88
    Another great ride, with some real puke worthy hills...

    The stint after the final water stop (long route) through the valley was a real b@stard with that head wind. My legs were toast and all my effort was resulting in no speed. A real tester.

    I made it round in 5:50 (5:55 elapsed time) which I was pleased with for a mostly solo ride and my 4th 100+ mile sportive weekend on the trot.
  • batch78
    batch78 Posts: 1,320
    @Stuntman, that was me on the Boardman.

    Epic ride fella and many thanks for the tow, can't really take much credit on that final leg!

    Sorry I didn't hang about to chat, was totally shot and just thinking about getting home, soaking in the bath and having a beer. :lol:

    Your mate was a fair old rider too, especially up them hills, and only 16 :shock: truly awesome.

    I managed a 5:47, solo till I tagged on, that would have been some ride three up from the start.

    Once again many thanks pass on my regards and hope to see you at future events.
  • Stuntman
    Stuntman Posts: 267
    batch78 wrote:
    @Stuntman, that was me on the Boardman.

    Epic ride fella and many thanks for the tow, can't really take much credit on that final leg!

    Sorry I didn't hang about to chat, was totally shot and just thinking about getting home, soaking in the bath and having a beer. :lol:

    Your mate was a fair old rider too, especially up them hills, and only 16 :shock: truly awesome.

    I managed a 5:47, solo till I tagged on, that would have been some ride three up from the start.

    Once again many thanks pass on my regards and hope to see you at future events.

    Not a problem for the tow, I saw you jump out in front of us after a toilet stop as we joined a group of 3 but my young mate was on a low and when I said 'shall we jump with him''(meaning get on your wheel) he shook his head and you tore off. I then saw you in front of us at the third feed station and I pulled him through the headwind so he could pull me up the hills... but then he saw you and chased lol.

    Would've been an epic ride if we'd got on your wheel and worked with you then and if from the start, well, definately a lot faster! Well done on that pace for a solo effort!

    My young mate is a whippett on the hills, I was fine with his pace up them until the last short steep one which I wasn't expecting. When we saw the first steep hill which had a sign of 17% we both looked at each other and sort chuckled in a nervous fashion.
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  • levad
    levad Posts: 8
    Morning All,

    I have just found this thread and had entered the long route, I failed to finish.

    I am hoping, however, for your help!

    My ride was curtailed just before Ramsbury, apparentley a horse was led out of a field in front of me. The next memory I have is waking up in the recovery position and being told to stay still and wait for the ambulance.

    I would first of all like to thank everyone who stopped to help, I am at home now with concussion and cuts and bruises.

    I have been in touch with the CTC Accident Helpline and would like to ask anyone who witnessed the crash to contact me via email.

    Thanks again
  • Brakeless
    Brakeless Posts: 865
    Hi Levad.

    Have you asked the organisers to email all the participants to see who witnessed the accident?
  • Brewsterwmb
    Brewsterwmb Posts: 145
    levad Hope all is well!?!

    My mate ended up with his rear wheel in the air braking for this old boy who pulled out infront of us. Luckily we stopped and he went on his Sunday morning...

    By the by, another great ride and pleased with my own efforts of just missing out on a sub 5:30.

    Cheers :)
    “Look where you want to go. Not where you are going”