Dartmoor Classic 2010

Anyone doing it? Done it before?

I'm entered for the 100 mile option and interested to find out a bit about the route. How does it compare to Day 3 of Tour of Wessex for example?

I'm slow on climbs but am interested to know about the descents, are they on straightish roads, or twisty windy lanes? If the former, at least I can make up some time.

Can anyone enlighten me?
“I ride my bicycle to ride my bicycle.”



  • rjh299
    rjh299 Posts: 721
    Good route and more rolling hills than anything extra steep. Havn't done Wessex but Classic is easier than Tour Of Dartmoor and Cornwall Tor. Some very nice descents, topped 50mph for first time at this last year, mix of twisty and straight.
    Very well organised, massive participation event. Get in a good group and you'll be on for a decent time.
  • bikergirl17
    bikergirl17 Posts: 344
    i did the 100k, and recall that the first climb was long and steep (20%+) but after that it is rollers -- downs so fast they take you up over the next climb ...

    the last 10 miles is fairly flat, so you can really make up time there esp if you get on a pace line. was my first sportive and a really beautiful route. plus the medals are awesome.
  • scott-s30
    scott-s30 Posts: 45
    I'm doing it, my first sportive and the first time I'll have done over 100 miles (hopefully!).
    Got camping sorted out, staying at 12oaks about a mile away from the start.
    I'll be #1308 so give me a wave as you pass me on the hills :D
  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    Member of the MDCC but this year I am at the L2P starting this Thursday (GULP).

    Course has a couple of drawn out climbs before the final food stop, my advice is that after the second food stop, and you pass the Warren House Inn, CRANK IT. That should spped you up most of the climbs up until the exit of Moretenhampstead, at which point there is a climb before heading down to the teign valley for a flat finish.

    Holne church features again and is lots of fun for those with a tendency to walk uphill in cleats (stay on the bike).
    Couple of technical twistys downhill after that, however if you are unfamiliar with the course don't gun it as there are a couple of blind corners.

    All in all good fun route. Enjoy.

    Me and another MDCC member are returning SUnday, but will be so p!ssed I don't think a meet up is on the cards. Although book the eastern eye in Newton Abbot now if you fancy a good curry afterward.
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    Member of the MDCC but this year I am at the L2P starting this Thursday (GULP).

    Course has a couple of drawn out climbs before the final food stop, my advice is that after the second food stop, and you pass the Warren House Inn, CRANK IT. That should spped you up most of the climbs up until the exit of Moretenhampstead, at which point there is a climb before heading down to the teign valley for a flat finish.

    Holne church features again and is lots of fun for those with a tendency to walk uphill in cleats (stay on the bike).
    Couple of technical twistys downhill after that, however if you are unfamiliar with the course don't gun it as there are a couple of blind corners.

    All in all good fun route. Enjoy.

    Me and another MDCC member are returning SUnday, but will be so p!ssed I don't think a meet up is on the cards. Although book the eastern eye in Newton Abbot now if you fancy a good curry afterward.
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • jimmurray
    jimmurray Posts: 130
    Where are the feed stops, only one I know is Princetown?
  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    The 100 mile course hits the same feed stop twice. Enjoy the ride in from there as people who have cycled less than you are passed at speed.
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • Flambes
    Flambes Posts: 191
    Ooooh, getting close now. Just sorted the bike bar the pumping of tyres.
    Carb loading starts in earnest tonight and continues throughout tomorrow!

    Last year I underestimated the Tavistock loop, still some bumpy bits in there and I had very little left for the climb back up to Princetown.

    Still - 1 stone lighter this year, plus a few more miles under the belt.

    Weather looks perfect, barely any wind to start, turning into a westerly for the return over the moor. Maybe a bit hot, but staying dry.

    See you there :wink:
  • felgen
    felgen Posts: 829
    Jeez, that was hot! I should have started earlier in the day, but left it late to get more sleep. I drank gallons and gallons of fluid and still was dry at the end. Then to top it all I lost my front wheel yards from the finish on the grass and gave myself some rather irritating rash as a result......

    A big differenec the Quebrantahuesos in Spain last week where I was whingeing about being too cold. This week I was way too hot. Still nice I am sporting a nice cyclists tan now :D

    heres my pain documented....
    1)Planet X SL Pro carbon
    2)Nelson Pista Singlespeed
    3)Giant Cadex MTB
    4)BeOne Karma MTB
  • Flambes
    Flambes Posts: 191
    Yes, painfully hot. Felt sorry for the people who were already stalled going up the hill towards Becky Falls. Would have been a very long day in the saddle :oops:

    6.08 for the 100 miles for me, pretty happy with that.

    Thanks to both the Yogis and South Bristol club who provided me some wheel time.
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    Excellent day out, for some reason much better than previous years...MDCC did an excellent job.
    Great food stops that never ran out.... some excellent support on route and despite never really finding a group to work with, well pleased with time @ just over the 6hr mark

    Roll on the Maratona
  • I must have passed you guys, i was going the other way to do a spot of marshalling at Moretonhampstead. I also had the misfortunate or fortune depending on which way you look at it, whilst skidding and narrowly avoiding a Ford Ka which had had to stop around a bend descending down from Doccombe towards Moretonhampstead. :oops: One of those hairy moments. Looked like most people "enjoyed" it despite the heat.
  • gert_lush
    gert_lush Posts: 634
    Yup had a great day as always, great signposting and excellently marshalled. But boy it was hot, especially up the long hill back upto Princetown for time station 2, no breeze and insane heat! managed to sneak into Gold with 10mins to spare so well happy with that as 10 mins faster than last year, mainly gained on the last 30 miles, although how many tractors were there, seemed to get stuck behind them for aaaggeeesss which was very frustrating. Loved the Yogi messages on the random back roads up steep hills!

    Well done to the those above who were just over 6 hrs, that's seriously impressive! My legs just couldn't take it, those 1st 30 miles really do test me!
    FCN 8 mainly
    FCN 4 sometimes
  • simpoman
    simpoman Posts: 29
    Great day, did 100k after cycling the Tavistock loop recently and realising I had no hope of completing 100m......next year tho!

    Real big thanks to the young lad on Holne Hill who gave we offering Jaffa cakes.....needless to say I took him up on the offer.

    Many thanks to all of the MDCC team.
  • A great ride but bloody hot! I was very concerned about a crash I saw after abut 20ish miles. On a descent at about 35mph we were slowed down and it looked like a rider had either hit a car or come off avoiding one. Has played on my mind since. Hope he's ok. Anyone got any news?
  • jimbo100
    jimbo100 Posts: 1
    I must have passed you guys, i was going the other way to do a spot of marshalling at Moretonhampstead. I also had the misfortunate or fortune depending on which way you look at it, whilst skidding and narrowly avoiding a Ford Ka which had had to stop around a bend descending down from Doccombe towards Moretonhampstead. :oops: One of those hairy moments. Looked like most people "enjoyed" it despite the heat.

    I saw your near miss.... I could smell the burning rubber from your tyre.... or was that something else?

    Well avoided in any case!
  • scott-s30
    scott-s30 Posts: 45
    Well, I managed to complete the 100 miles, not quick at 9h 17m but I knew I'd only have an outside chance of getting into the medal times. My first sportive and my first century ride.
    Had a great time, really enjoyed it despite the heat and the hills; had to walk up the steeper ones but managed to granny up the longer, gentler slopes. The descents were fun but a bit hairy as sometimes as I was getting a slight speed wobble when the wind was coming from the side.
    Very impressed with the organisation, plenty of stuff at the feed stops and the tuna buns at the finish were a godsend!
    It was really cool to be clapped and cheered as I crossed the finish line too!
    Nice to meet the Cardiff Ajax guys, hope you had a good 'un Dave and co.
  • JamieW
    JamieW Posts: 114
    re: crash - if it was the one at about 17-18 miles in i believe he hit the hedge avoiding the car. Was one of the first on scene and was slowing traffic (leeds uni top) until his team mates took over. Luckily the man in the car was a Dr.

    Believe he had done his collar bone but cant tell you anymore than that.

    had a great ride other than that. was very very hot tho!!!! :) only slight prob after shoving bike in hedge at accident was that it knocked my rear brake over so was rubbing continually... i thought some tool was riding their brakes for the next 10 miles with the smell of burning rubber everywhere... turns out it was me :oops:
  • bprice
    bprice Posts: 61
    scott-s30 wrote:
    Well, I managed to complete the 100 miles, not quick at 9h 17m but I knew I'd only have an outside chance of getting into the medal times. My first sportive and my first century ride.
    Had a great time, really enjoyed it despite the heat and the hills; had to walk up the steeper ones but managed to granny up the longer, gentler slopes. The descents were fun but a bit hairy as sometimes as I was getting a slight speed wobble when the wind was coming from the side.
    Very impressed with the organisation, plenty of stuff at the feed stops and the tuna buns at the finish were a godsend!
    It was really cool to be clapped and cheered as I crossed the finish line too!
    Nice to meet the Cardiff Ajax guys, hope you had a good 'un Dave and co.

    I assume your the guy with the 'Discovery Channel' team jersey on? Im the Ajax guy you spoke to at the first feed stop. Was wondering how you got on.
  • yogi
    yogi Posts: 456
    Lots of comments, pics etc on the event here http://yogi.terapad.com/index.cfm?fa=co ... true#93939

    Thought the whole thing was very well organised by the Mid Devon Club.
  • Well I did the 100m route and missed out on a bronze by 7 minutes -still I made the most of the feed stations so cannot complain really.

    The heat off the roads climbing up to Princetown for the second time was just horrendous.

    A good day out and glad I started early - but there was no devil to encourage (?) you on the climbs this year!
  • Thanks for info re: crash Jamie W. Obviously looked nastier than it actually was.
  • imagine17
    imagine17 Posts: 6
    What a fantastic 106 miles in the saddle. I completed the 2008 event and thought the route this time was much better with some tough exposed climbs in the searing heat and the avoidance of major traffic hotspots and cycle tracks. Unfortunately the friend I was doing the event with had to abandon on 50 miles due to a buckled rear wheel which was beyond repair which made the day slightly bitter sweet. The stop added another 20 mins to my time but I was very pleased to pick up a bronze as I knocked an hour off my 2008 time.

    Congrats to everone who completed the ride and to MDCC for a brilliantly organised event. And thanks to all those at the roadside who offered their support. Gives a real boost when the legs are feeling the burn. Looking forward to 2011.
  • scott-s30
    scott-s30 Posts: 45
    Bprice, yep that was me.
    After meeting up with Dave at 12 Oaks we'd arranged to meet up at the start but ended up in separate pens so I started 5 mins before. Once you'd caught up I managed to keep up for a while but gradually dropped back, esp on the hills.
    Hope you all had a good day, was nice to meet you all.
  • rjh299
    rjh299 Posts: 721
    Photos are up on www.sportivephoto.com
  • monkeyjo
    monkeyjo Posts: 54
    It was my first sportive and I came in at 8hrs 20 mins and 32secs.
    I was quite gutted to miss getting a bronze medal by 32 seconds - the feed stations were so good it appears I spent a total of an hour at them according to my Garmin. I'll know better for next time!

    I just wish it hadn't been so damn hot!
  • The original advice about the route was spot on, and yes it sure was hot. But what a brilliant day, definitely the best sportive I have done since I crossed over from the dark MTB side to the road. I was really pleased to come in under 8 hrs, given I solo'd most of the time, and am pants on hills.

    And for once most of the car driving was really considerate, with the exception of a couple of idiots near M'hampstead, drivers passed me wide and slow.

    +1 for next year :D
    “I ride my bicycle to ride my bicycle.”

  • vorsprung
    vorsprung Posts: 1,953
    I wonder if the number of road bikes around and about at the weekends and evenings in Devon will dip now that this event is past?

    For the last month everyone I spoke on a road bike was doing this event