control protocol

dave_1 Posts: 9,512
edited June 2010 in Pro race
I see Christian VDV said he had to wear rubber gloves to give a sample...I can't remember that...have been dope controlled twice-at races, you watch them seperate you weee into two beakers usually and inspect the seals yourself...but you don't seal it. once minor,


  • deal
    deal Posts: 857
    presumably to prevent the detergent trick? ... rich-named
  • Slapshot
    Slapshot Posts: 211
    Depending what each country does (UKAD), the chaperones, everyone has to wear rubber gloves.

    I've been at 7 controls as a suppose chaperoning/witnessing my guys in ice hockey, you go into the room, they do all the paperwork then they break open a seal on the sampling kit. The boss of the test team pulls one tag the witness pulls the other, once open a pack of gloves is opened and dished around.

    Once everyone has gloves on then they take out the bottles check all the seals and stuff and get on with the sampling. The gloves stay on until the sampling is completed and the bottles are sealed and the numbers checked and verified. Once done all the final signatures are completed and the individual is released.