Conspiracy theory (an occasional thread...)

deptfordmarmoset Posts: 3,118
edited June 2010 in The bottom bracket
Right, over the last year or so there's been much talk about the mysterious collapse of bee colonies all over Europe and North America. Was it the verrua mite, was it GM plants, loss of natural habit...?

And then, all of a sudden, there's a spate of posts by distressed football watchers complaining about the noise of mad bees drowning out the World Cup games.

Coincidence? Or have the bees all been rounded up and sent to South Africa?


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Did you know that "Africanus" is latin for Beehive ?

    Food for thought.......
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    I'm sure that there'll be a sting in the tail to this story, it'll probably be buzzing around the Net for ages, in which case Marmoset will have earned his stripes as a conspiracy theorist.
  • And the note that comes out of the vuvuzela is a B flat drone. Now ,what instrument with a B flat drone comes from a country eliminated from the qualifiers?

    Yes, it's the Scottish Bagpipe...
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I'm just happy to bee here, buzzing around. :(
  • 1footedninja
    1footedninja Posts: 269
    To Bee, or not to Bee - that is the question.
    'since the flaming telly's been taken away, we don't even know if the Queen of Englands gone off with the dustman'.
    Lizzie Birdsworth, Episode 64, Prisoner Cell Block H.
  • tebbit
    tebbit Posts: 604
    With all these bad puns I'm going to buzz off
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    You lot need to beehave :oops:
  • TommyEss
    TommyEss Posts: 1,855
    Everyone gets so worked up about this whole world cup malarkey - it's not as if it's the bee all and end all...
    Cannondale Synapse 105, Giant Defy 3, Giant Omnium, Giant Trance X2, EMC R1.0, Ridgeback Platinum, On One Il Pompino...
  • TommyEss
    TommyEss Posts: 1,855
    You lot need to beehive :oops:

    Cannondale Synapse 105, Giant Defy 3, Giant Omnium, Giant Trance X2, EMC R1.0, Ridgeback Platinum, On One Il Pompino...
  • Stewie Griffin
    Stewie Griffin Posts: 4,330
    TommyEss wrote:
    You lot need to beehive :oops:


    Spose :D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    TI love that paul Newman movie, it was on friday night, The Sting, I think its called. :oops: